الخميس، 23 مايو 2019
July Scrum Rnd2 - Madrak2 Vs. Baldur1
Last night I got my round two of the July Scrum league in vs. Jordan and he was kind enough to allow me to pause the clock between rounds to take a picture to write a detailed report. I am extremely excited to be writing this match up because it was one of the best kinds of game: it swung wildly back and forth, with the game ending on Turn 7 with me at 40 seconds and Jordan at 30 seconds. I'm very grateful to Jordan for the match and look forward to other matches in the future.
Jordan's Lists
Baldur1 Bones of Orboros
-Wold Guardian
Blackclad Wayfarer
Sentry Stone & Mannikin
Shifting Stones
Celestial Fulcrum
Kaya2 - No Theme
-Warpwolf Stalker
-Druid Wilder
Lord fo the Feast
Reeves of Orboros (min)
Shifting Stones + Stone Keeper
Tharn Ravagers (min) + Chieftain
Matchup Analysis
So it's a Bones list and Kaya2 out of theme, my initial thoughts are "look at the stones on this guy!". Trolls have always been a bit of a bad matchup for Circle in the game and it seems immediately obvious my drop is going to be Madrak2 and Jordan will be forced into Baldur1. Simply put both of my lists can run over Kaya's list without breaking a sweat, particularly Grim2. Conversely out of the two I'm probably better off with Madrak into Baldur. This is exactly what happened, Jordan didn't even bring his Kaya list with him when he arrived to play our game.
For reference my Madrak2 list is:
Trollblood - Madrak2 Toughallo
Theme: Band of Heroes
3 / 3 Free Cards 74 / 75 Army
Madrak Ironhide, World Ender - WB: +28
- Trollkin Runebearer - PC: 0
- Dire Troll Mauler - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)
- Dire Troll Bomber - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
Fell Caller Hero - PC: 0
Fell Caller Hero - PC: 0
Eilish Garrity, the Occultist - PC: 5
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
- Stone Scribe Elder - PC: 3
Trollkin Long Riders - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Trollkin Long Riders - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Kriel Warriors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 11
Our Scenario was The Pit 2.
I wont the roll off to go first and Jordan picked his table side. Since we both had an extra 2" of deployment we were starting off really close to each other.
My Turn 1
I respected the output of the Woldwyrds to murder Longriders with Blood Fury on them, so I simply dump all my Fury onto the stone and run forward, keeping everything except one Long Rider under the aura and sing for no continuous effects.
Jordan Turn 1
Since I had zero chill, Jordan was forced to feat turn 1. This sees him kill a Longrider from my left flank with a Woldwyrd, Fulcrum, and Woldwatcher finally finishing it off and creating a forest out of its corpse. On the right flank Jordan takes some Geomancy shots at my Longriders doing minimal damage, but he makes a mistake by running the Manikins to jam before taking his shots with the Woldwyrd. He misses my Longrider and kills his Manikin furthest to my right.
Of note - I forgot to deploy Eilish and Jordan was kind enough to allow me to put him at the back of my lines, so I had him hide in a trench.
My Turn 2
After some careful measurements, I am able to get one Longrider over the wall and into the Woldwyrd on my right flank and one Longrider can engage it over the wall - all without entering Baldur's control area. Madrak puts Bloodfury on the right most Longriders and then fills the stone, sitting on 1 after a Harmonious Exaltation. I was careful to stay more than 2" from the forest, respecting Baldur's assassination.
The Fellcaller gets puppet master from Eilish and then activates (after the stone!) and sprays off one of the Manikins to clear my charge lane, and then sings Pathfinder on the Longriders (they were out of Baldurs feat). Luckily I do no damage to my Longrider.
I'm able to kill the right Woldwyrd with the Long Riders and while I am able to get a single rider to the Sentry stone, it leaves it on one box.
On the left flank I call pathfinder to allow the Longriders to shift left and I'm able to just toe my Bomber into Baldur's forest to see through to the other side to kill a Shifting stone. Jordan shield guards the first shot, but the second shot is able to kill a stone and take teleportation off the table.
Jordan's Turn 2
Jordan decided that murdering Trolls was his fucking job and it was time to go to work. The left Woldwyrd shifts right and shoots two Longriders off the table thanks to them having an upkeep on them. The Blackclad gets hunters mark on the unit and then Megalith and a Woldwarden decide to kill the other riders, with more than enough fury to Earth Spikes and knock down the right Fell Caller, then kill my Runbearer, with his crit knocking down Madrak, my left Fell Caller, and a Kriel Warrior.
Jordan uses his still alive Sentry Stone to make a Manikin who then sprays down part of my Krielstone. He then runs and Jams up my stuff with shifting stones and the Woldguardian has the +2STR/ARM spell on it (which I forget about).
To top it off he's also able to kill two more Longriders from my left flank with his Fulcrum and the Watcher, scoring 1 point.
Overall, I'm astonished I'm still able to sit comfortably as I write this after the ass beating Jordan laid down here. Suffice it to say I didn't at all expect to lose nearly that much. On the plus side, Jordan was not able to kill my objective and score more than 1 VP.
My Turn 3
My initial plan was to have the Longriders and Fell Caller kill the Woldwarden, the Mauler kills Megalith, and then the Bomber kills the Woldguardian. Simple, right? Turns out this was less simple and more of a "I'll try to do too much and as a result accomplish nothing for $500, Alex."
Since my Runebearer was dead, I should have noticed my plan was utterly doomed to failure since I couldn't upkeep Blood Fury and so would need to cast it and then two Rage's to properly achieve my goals. I similarly couldn't actually charge the Woldguardian and so would need Madrak's feat to et into him, burning 1 attack off the Bomber. I also forgot the Guardian had the +2 ARM spell.
Madrak stupidly goes first, sacrificed movement to stand, feats, then throws his axe to kill the Manikin in the Longriders way. I put Bloodfury on the riders, and then Rage on the Bomber.
My left Fell Caller sacrificed action to stand and then walks 5" and calls to stand up the other Fell Caller. Eilish gives that Fell Caller puppet master (another mistake, it should have gone on the Mauler). The Stone activates for +1 STR, and then the right Fell Caller charges into the Warden, doing decent damage and not even needing the Puppet Master.
The Longriders charge and impact attack and I kill it between two impact attacks and one charge attack, they Reposition out of the Maulers way.
The Mauler is dice off 2 from Megalith since he didn't have Rage and I decide the extra attacks are better. I charge in, missing my second initial and losing the chain attack. I proceed to roll a bunch of 5's for damage and leave all of Megaliths systems up. The Bomber similarly fails to do too much to the Woldguardian, though he kills two Stones for my trouble due to Feat.
On the bright side my Kriel Warriors with near zero buffs on them decide to charge in and utterly annihilate the Woldwatcher.
If I wasn't hell bent on making mistakes I would have Jammed up the Woldguardian with 2-3 Kriel Warriors and used the Bomber to possibly kill the objective and if I had enough Kriel Warriors left maybe I score a point by killing the Woldwatcher anyway. Rage and Puppet Master goes on the Mauler who would then murder Megalith and then I'm way ahead on the piece trade and at least tying scenario.
Jordan Turn 3
If you remember Turn 2, you'll know that Fucking Murdering Trolls is Jordan's job description. Megalith gets +2 STR from a Stonekeeper and walks to be able to kill the Mauler and hopefully kill the Objective. Luckily for me he has to focus everything on killing the Mauler and isn't able to kill the Objective. I pulled the 5 Fury off the Mauler when it dies.
The Sentry Stone spawns a new Manikin who then kills my right Fell Caller. The Woldguardian gets an additional +2 STR from another Stonekeeper and trivially murders my Bomber.
The Woldwyrd starts gunning down Longriders, but isn't able to kill them all. In fact he's only able to force a Tough on one rider, who gets charged and killed by a Blackclad who then Battle Wizards to kill some more of my Kriel Stone.
The only area where Jordan didn't completely meet his Troll Murder Quota was with the Fulcrum who only killed a few Kriel Warriors. The other bit of good news is that no one scores anything on Scenario this turn, so I'm only down 0-1.
My Turn 4
This turn I finally decided that Sticks and Stones have broken enough of my bones and the best way to make them never hurt me again is to annihilate them.
Madrak upkeeps Bloodfury on the single Longrider. The Fell Caller activates and puts +2 MAT on the Krielstone unit. The Stone spends a fury for +1 STR and then declares a Charge/Run to kill the goddamn Blackclad who sprayed them down.
The Longrider has similarly had enough of the shit out of the Woldwyrd and Sentry Stone. I charge the Woldwyrd and am able to get impact attacks on both the Woldwyrd and the Sentry Stone. The Sentry Stone dies and I miss the Woldwyrd with my impact. I roll like goddamn FIRE on the charge attack and leave it on like two boxes. Madrak activates, casts Blood Fury on the Kriel Warriors.
The Kriel Warriors decide to continue to be bosses, two charge the Stonkeeper and CMA to get a hit and kill him. The others charge into the Woldguardian, and then rip it to shreds. I'm able to redirect a charge attack into the Woldwyrd, I hit, and then take the last points off. As such I score the center zone. Score is now tied, 1-1.
Jordan's Turn 4
Here is where things start going bad for Jordan. He's only able to kill a few of the Kriel Warriors, notably failing to clear the left zone and score due to dice keeping one contesting Warrior alive.
He is able to kill my objective and clear the right zone, scoring two VP's here. He also sacrifices a Stonekeeper to prevent me from scoring the center. Score is now 3-1 for Jordan.
My Turn 5
Madrak gets his two free Fury from the dead beasts and upkeeps Blood Fury on the Kriel Warriors. The Stone activates and sings for +1 STR and I move the one model to contest the left zone. He misses the Stone Shaper.
Eilish gives Madrak Puppet Master. Madrak activates, aims, and boosts to hit the Shaper, killing him and clearing the center zone. The Kriel Warriors charge into the Fulcrum and carve off damage. The Fell Caller charges in, and fails to kill. The Long Rider has to charge in and is finally able to kill the Fulcrum. I made a mistake in forgetting to reposition the Long Rider and turn him to face Jordan's models coming into the center zone.
Clock is getting low. Score is now 3-2, sill in favor of Jordan.
Jordan Turn 5
I forgot to take a picture here, though what occurred should be apparent in the next picture.
Megalith moves up and kills the contesting Stone model in melee, then Geomancies and kills my Stone Scribe Elder and the last grunt in the Stone unit, leaving only the Bearer itself. Jordan puts a forest up to block LOS to Megalith who is now contesting the center zone. Jordan scores my left zone and the score is now 4-2 in favor of Jordan.
My Turn 6
Madrak gets his two fury and upkeeps Blood Fury on the Kriel Warriors. The Warriors and Fell Caller charge the objective and kill it, with the two Kriel Warriors who couldn't get in taking position to contest the center zone. Madrak and the Stone run to the right zone and I make a critical error, I leave Madrak within 2" of the forest, forgetting about Baldur's threat.
I position the Fell Caller just outside of Megalith's 9" threat.
Eilish decides to sacrifice himself for the cause and contests the left zone.
I score two points, tying the game 4-4.
Jordan's Turn 6
Jordan decides to go for the assassination I dutifully gave him. Megalith moves up and then misses Madrak with his Geomancy. Baldur doesn't upkeep the forest, casts it on himself, then teleports to within 2" of Madrak. He's got 4 Fury.
He boosts to hit Madrak (3 Fury left) and hits, but I sacrifice it to the Stone, who suffers the Weight of Stone effect, and then decides to pass his Tough check. Baldur buy's the attack on the stone and kills it (2 Fury left). He buys on Madrak again (1 Fury left), misses, and then he decides to camp his last Fury.
I score on Jordan's turn, bringing the game 5-4 in favor of me.
My Turn 7
Given that I'm under two minutes on clock, I decided to avoid the assassination and just play it safe. Fell Caller gives +2 MAT to the Kriel Warriors who charge into Baldur, one hits doing 8 damage. More importantly they get within 3" of Madrak who runs away from Baldur, taking the free strike and then killing the Kriel Warrior because Grim Salvation lets you sacrifice even free strikes. I run to the other corner of the zone thinking there's no way Baldur can get to me and that's game.
What I should have realized was that he could teleport to me again and that to cement the game I could just surround Madrak with Kriel Warriors to really make sure I can't die, but I just try to put them in the way.
Still, I score yet another VP for the left zone and bring the score to 6-4, thinking I've won the game. I clock back to Jordan with only 40 seconds left on my clock. I didn't even activate the Longrider.
Jordan's Turn 7
Jordan decides to pull yet another Surprise Motherfucker! He teleports Baldur to Madrak and I think I've lost the game. Baldur is down to 4 Fury for this assassination run.
He boosts to hit Madrak and hits (3 Fury left). He rolls a 5 for damage, Madrak takes 2. Jordan proceeds to buy his next three attacks and after everything is said and done his damage rolls are so poor that Madrak is left with 10 health when Baldur is out of fury and only 30 seconds left on his clock. Jordan does run to contest, leaving the score 6-4 and I win by scenario at the end of turn 7.
This game was insane! I managed to survive two assassination runs, and while that's normally not very surprising with Madrak2, in these situations it is very surprising. Dice saved my ass when I made two mistakes that gave Jordan two assassination runs I didn't have to give him. I also was able to recover from a critical set of mistakes on Turn 3 on my part and the late game idea of weapon master Kriel Warriors really came through.
Clock was extremely tight and was definitely forcing us to move very quickly so that's definitely a factor towards the end of the game where possibly better decisions could have been made. Still, I won this game through a series of critical dice rolls: Jordan failing to kill a contesting Kriel Warrior on Turn 4 was massive, and then my passing the tough check on my Stonebearer on his Turn 6 assassination run ate through enough of his fury to keep me alive.
Overall it was an incredible game, the kind that really makes you appreciate Warmachine. I look forward to playing Jordan again.
My conclusions going forward is to take notice of exactly how fucking good higher model count lists are in scenario. I remember that from the last Scrum in 2017 and it seems just as true today. Looking forward and knowing that I want to play Convergence, primarily in Destruction Initiative, I'm going to start having the kinds of large attrition swings in my games if I can't mitigate my opponents. The model count and unit buff on the late game Kriel Warriors really saved me here. I'm going to need to keep that in mind as I move forward.
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