الثلاثاء، 12 مايو 2020

BurpSuite Introduction & Installation

What is BurpSuite?
Burp Suite is a Java based Web Penetration Testing framework. It has become an industry standard suite of tools used by information security professionals. Burp Suite helps you identify vulnerabilities and verify attack vectors that are affecting web applications. Because of its popularity and breadth as well as depth of features, we have created this useful page as a collection of Burp Suite knowledge and information.

In its simplest form, Burp Suite can be classified as an Interception Proxy. While browsing their target application, a penetration tester can configure their internet browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy server. Burp Suite then acts as a (sort of) Man In The Middle by capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application so that they can be analyzed.

Everyone has their favorite security tools, but when it comes to mobile and web applications I've always found myself looking BurpSuite . It always seems to have everything I need and for folks just getting started with web application testing it can be a challenge putting all of the pieces together. I'm just going to go through the installation to paint a good picture of how to get it up quickly.

BurpSuite is freely available with everything you need to get started and when you're ready to cut the leash, the professional version has some handy tools that can make the whole process a little bit easier. I'll also go through how to install FoxyProxy which makes it much easier to change your proxy setup, but we'll get into that a little later.

Requirements and assumptions:

Mozilla Firefox 3.1 or Later Knowledge of Firefox Add-ons and installation The Java Runtime Environment installed

Download BurpSuite from http://portswigger.net/burp/download.htmland make a note of where you save it.

on for Firefox from   https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxyproxy-standard/

If this is your first time running the JAR file, it may take a minute or two to load, so be patient and wait.

Video for setup and installation.

You need to install compatible version of java , So that you can run BurpSuite.
Continue reading
  1. Viral Hacking
  2. Hacking The System
  3. Hacking Meaning
  4. Hacker En Español
  5. Ingeniería Social. El Arte Del Hacking Personal Pdf
  6. Computer Hacking
  7. Que Estudia Un Hacker
  8. Hacking Quotes
  9. Chema Alonso Libros



The Cryptography is derived from the Greek words "Kryptos". This is the study of secure communication techniques that allow only the sender and recipient of a message to view it's contents of transforming information into nonhuman readable form or vice versa is called cryptography.

As we know that information plays a vital role in running of any business and organizations etc, sensitive details in the wrong hands can leads to loss of business.

Cryptography is the science of ciphering and deciphering messages.To secure communication organizations use cryptology to cipher information .


Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communication through the use of codes so that only those whom the information is intended can read and process it.

In Computer Science, Cryptography refers to secure information and communication techniques derived from mathematical concepts , a set of rule based calculations called algorithm to transform message in ways the hard to readable for human.

This is one of the secure way of communications for a hacker with the help of virtual private network(VPN) like Tor Browser which is also very helpful to change the IP Address(Location of the sender ) for illegal purpose to perform crime in cyberspace . I will discuss in brief about the VPN .

How to Encrypt and Decrypt the text in Cryptography?

Open this website with the help of internert surfing for encryption-"http://wwwmd5online.org" 

Open the link for Decrypt the code text-"http://www.md5online.org/md5-decrypt.html"

Type whatever you want for encryption and it will crypt in the code form, copy that code and forward to the intended person whom you want for secure communication and then he/she will Decrypt in the real form.


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CVE-2020-2655 JSSE Client Authentication Bypass

During our joint research on DTLS state machines, we discovered a really interesting vulnerability (CVE-2020-2655) in the recent versions of Sun JSSE (Java 11, 13). Interestingly, the vulnerability does not only affect DTLS implementations but does also affects the TLS implementation of JSSE in a similar way. The vulnerability allows an attacker to completely bypass client authentication and to authenticate as any user for which it knows the certificate WITHOUT needing to know the private key. If you just want the PoC's, feel free to skip the intro.


I guess most readers are very familiar with the traditional TLS handshake which is used in HTTPS on the web.

DTLS is the crayon eating brother of TLS. It was designed to be very similar to TLS, but to provide the necessary changes to run TLS over UDP. DTLS currently exists in 2 versions (DTLS 1.0 and DTLS 1.2), where DTLS 1.0 roughly equals TLS 1.1 and DTLS 1.2 roughly equals TLS 1.2. DTLS 1.3 is currently in the process of being standardized. But what exactly are the differences? If a protocol uses UDP instead of TCP, it can never be sure that all messages it sent were actually received by the other party or that they arrived in the correct order. If we would just run vanilla TLS over UDP, an out of order or dropped message would break the connection (not only during the handshake). DTLS, therefore, includes additional sequence numbers that allow for the detection of out of order handshake messages or dropped packets. The sequence number is transmitted within the record header and is increased by one for each record transmitted. This is different from TLS, where the record sequence number was implicit and not transmitted with each record. The record sequence numbers are especially relevant once records are transmitted encrypted, as they are included in the additional authenticated data or HMAC computation. This allows a receiving party to verify AEAD tags and HMACs even if a packet was dropped on the transport and the counters are "out of sync".
Besides the record sequence numbers, DTLS has additional header fields in each handshake message to ensure that all the handshake messages have been received. The first handshake message a party sends has the message_seq=0 while the next handshake message a party transmits gets the message_seq=1 and so on. This allows a party to check if it has received all previous handshake messages. If, for example, a server received message_seq=2 and message_seq=4 but did not receive message_seq=3, it knows that it does not have all the required messages and is not allowed to proceed with the handshake. After a reasonable amount of time, it should instead periodically retransmit its previous flight of handshake message, to indicate to the opposing party they are still waiting for further handshake messages. This process gets even more complicated by additional fragmentation fields DTLS includes. The MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) plays a crucial role in UDP as when you send a UDP packet which is bigger than the MTU the IP layer might have to fragment the packet into multiple packets, which will result in failed transmissions if parts of the fragment get lost in the transport. It is therefore desired to have smaller packets in a UDP based protocol. Since TLS records can get quite big (especially the certificate message as it may contain a whole certificate chain), the messages have to support fragmentation. One would assume that the record layer would be ideal for this scenario, as one could detect missing fragments by their record sequence number. The problem is that the protocol wants to support completely optional records, which do not need to be retransmitted if they are lost. This may, for example, be warning alerts or application data records. Also if one party decides to retransmit a message, it is always retransmitted with an increased record sequence number. For example, the first ClientKeyExchange message might have record sequence 2, the message gets dropped, the client decides that it is time to try again and might send it with record sequence 5. This was done as retransmissions are only part of DTLS within the handshake. After the handshake, it is up to the application to deal with dropped or reordered packets. It is therefore not possible to see just from the record sequence number if handshake fragments have been lost. DTLS, therefore, adds additional handshake message fragment information in each handshake message record which contains information about where the following bytes are supposed to be within a handshake message.

If a party has to replay messages, it might also refragment the messages into bits of different (usually smaller) sizes, as dropped packets might indicate that the packets were too big for the MTU). It might, therefore, happen that you already have received parts of the message, get a retransmission which contains some of the parts you already have, while others are completely new to you and you still do not have the complete message. The only option you then have is to retransmit your whole previous flight to indicate that you still have missing fragments. One notable special case in this retransmission fragmentation madness is the ChangecipherSpec message. In TLS, the ChangecipherSpec message is not a handshake message, but a message of the ChangeCipherSpec protocol. It, therefore, does not have a message_sequence. Only the record it is transmitted in has a record sequence number. This is important for applications that have to determine where to insert a ChangeCipherSpec message in the transcript.

As you might see, this whole record sequence, message sequence, 2nd layer of fragmentation, retransmission stuff (I didn't even mention epoch numbers) which is within DTLS, complicates the whole protocol a lot. Imagine being a developer having to implement this correctly and secure...  This also might be a reason why the scientific research community often does not treat DTLS with the same scrutiny as it does with TLS. It gets really annoying really fast...

Client Authentication

In most deployments of TLS only the server authenticates itself. It usually does this by sending an X.509 certificate to the client and then proving that it is in fact in possession of the private key for the certificate. In the case of RSA, this is done implicitly the ability to compute the shared secret (Premaster secret), in case of (EC)DHE this is done by signing the ephemeral public key of the server. The X.509 certificate is transmitted in plaintext and is not confidential. The client usually does not authenticate itself within the TLS handshake, but rather authenticates in the application layer (for example by transmitting a username and password in HTTP). However, TLS also offers the possibility for client authentication during the TLS handshake. In this case, the server sends a CertificateRequest message during its first flight. The client is then supposed to present its X.509 Certificate, followed by its ClientKeyExchange message (containing either the encrypted premaster secret or its ephemeral public key). After that, the client also has to prove to the server that it is in possession of the private key of the transmitted certificate, as the certificate is not confidential and could be copied by a malicious actor. The client does this by sending a CertificateVerify message, which contains a signature over the handshake transcript up to this point, signed with the private key which belongs to the certificate of the client. The handshake then proceeds as usual with a ChangeCipherSpec message (which tells the other party that upcoming messages will be encrypted under the negotiated keys), followed by a Finished message, which assures that the handshake has not been tampered with. The server also sends a CCS and Finished message, and after that handshake is completed and both parties can exchange application data. The same mechanism is also present in DTLS.

But what should a Client do if it does not possess a certificate? According to the RFC, the client is then supposed to send an empty certificate and skip the CertificateVerify message (as it has no key to sign anything with). It is then up to the TLS server to decide what to do with the client. Some TLS servers provide different options in regards to client authentication and differentiate between REQUIRED and WANTED (and NONE). If the server is set to REQUIRED, it will not finish the TLS handshake without client authentication. In the case of WANTED, the handshake is completed and the authentication status is then passed to the application. The application then has to decide how to proceed with this. This can be useful to present an error to a client asking him to present a certificate or insert a smart card into a reader (or the like). In the presented bugs we set the mode to REQUIRED.

State machines

As you might have noticed it is not trivial to decide when a client or server is allowed to receive or send each message. Some messages are optional, some are required, some messages are retransmitted, others are not. How an implementation reacts to which message when is encompassed by its state machine. Some implementations explicitly implement this state machine, while others only do this implicitly by raising errors internally if things happen which should not happen (like setting a master_secret when a master_secret was already set for the epoch). In our research, we looked exactly at the state machines of DTLS implementations using a grey box approach. The details to our approach will be in our upcoming paper (which will probably have another blog post), but what we basically did is carefully craft message flows and observed the behavior of the implementation to construct a mealy machine which models the behavior of the implementation to in- and out of order messages. We then analyzed these mealy machines for unexpected/unwanted/missing edges. The whole process is very similar to the work of Joeri de Ruiter and Erik Poll.


The bugs we are presenting today were present in Java 11 and Java 13 (Oracle and OpenJDK). Older versions were as far as we know not affected. Cryptography in Java is implemented with so-called SecurityProvider. Per default SUN JCE is used to implement cryptography, however, every developer is free to write or add their own security provider and to use them for their cryptographic operations. One common alternative to SUN JCE is BouncyCastle. The whole concept is very similar to OpenSSL's engine concept (if you are familiar with that). Within the JCE exists JSSE - the Java Secure Socket Extension, which is the SSL/TLS part of JCE. The presented attacks were evaluated using SUN JSSE, so the default TLS implementation in Java. JSSE implements TLS and DTLS (added in Java 9). However, DTLS is not trivial to use, as the interface is quite complex and there are not a lot of good examples on how to use it. In the case of DTLS, only the heart of the protocol is implemented, how the data is moved from A to B is left to the developer. We developed a test harness around the SSLEngine.java to be able to speak DTLS with Java. The way JSSE implemented a state machine is quite interesting, as it was completely different from all other analyzed implementations. JSSE uses a producer/consumer architecture to decided on which messages to process. The code is quite complex but worth a look if you are interested in state machines.

So what is the bug we found? The first bug we discovered is that a JSSE DTLS/TLS Server accepts the following message sequence, with client authentication set to required:

JSSE is totally fine with the messages and finishes the handshake although the client does NOT provide a certificate at all (nor a CertificateVerify message). It is even willing to exchange application data with the client. But are we really authenticated with this message flow? Who are we? We did not provide a certificate! The answer is: it depends. Some applications trust that needClientAuth option of the TLS socket works and that the user is *some* authenticated user, which user exactly does not matter or is decided upon other authentication methods. If an application does this - then yes, you are authenticated. We tested this bug with Apache Tomcat and were able to bypass ClientAuthentication if it was activated and configured to use JSSE. However, if the application decides to check the identity of the user after the TLS socket was opened, an exception is thrown:

The reason for this is the following code snippet from within JSSE:

As we did not send a client certificate the value of peerCerts is null, therefore an exception is thrown. Although this bug is already pretty bad, we found an even worse (and weirder) message sequence which completely authenticates a user to a DTLS server (not TLS server though). Consider the following message sequence:

If we send this message sequence the server magically finishes the handshake with us and we are authenticated.

First off: WTF
Second off: WTF!!!111

This message sequence does not make any sense from a TLS/DTLS perspective. It starts off as a "no-authentication" handshake but then weird things happen. Instead of the Finished message, we send a Certificate message, followed by a Finished message, followed by a second(!) CCS message, followed by another Finished message. Somehow this sequence confuses JSSE such that we are authenticated although we didn't even provide proof that we own the private key for the Certificate we transmitted (as we did not send a CertificateVerify message).
So what is happening here? This bug is basically a combination of multiple bugs within JSSE. By starting the flight with a ClientKeyExchange message instead of a Certificate message, we make JSSE believe that the next messages we are supposed to send are ChangeCipherSpec and Finished (basically the first exploit). Since we did not send a Certificate message we are not required to send a CertificateVerify message. After the ClientKeyExchange message, JSSE is looking for a ChangeCipherSpec message followed by an "encrypted handshake message". JSSE assumes that the first encrypted message it receives will be the Finished message. It, therefore, waits for this condition. By sending ChangeCipherSpec and Certificate we are fulfilling this condition. The Certificate message really is an "encrypted handshake message" :). This triggers JSSE to proceed with the processing of received messages, ChangeCipherSpec message is consumed, and then the Certifi... Nope, JSSE notices that this is not a Finished message, so what JSSE does is buffer this message and revert to the previous state as this step has apparently not worked correctly. It then sees the Finished message - this is ok to receive now as we were *somehow* expecting a Finished message, but JSSE thinks that this Finished is out of place, as it reverted the state already to the previous one. So this message gets also buffered. JSSE is still waiting for a ChangeCipherSpec, "encrypted handshake message" - this is what the second ChangeCipherSpec & Finished is for. These messages trigger JSSE to proceed in the processing. It is actually not important that the last message is a Finished message, any handshake message will do the job. Since JSSE thinks that it got all required messages again it continues to process the received messages, but the Certificate and Finished message we sent previously are still in the buffer. The Certificate message is processed (e.g., the client certificate is written to the SSLContext.java). Then the next message in the buffer is processed, which is a Finished message. JSSE processes the Finished message (as it already had checked that it is fine to receive), it checks that the verify data is correct, and then... it stops processing any further messages. The Finished message basically contains a shortcut. Once it is processed we can stop interpreting other messages in the buffer (like the remaining ChangeCipherSpec & "encrypted handshake message"). JSSE thinks that the handshake has finished and sends ChangeCipherSpec Finished itself and with that the handshake is completed and the connection can be used as normal. If the application using JSSE now decides to check the Certificate in the SSLContext, it will see the certificate we presented (with no possibility to check that we did not present a CertificateVerify). The session is completely valid from JSSE's perspective.


The bug was quite complex to analyze and is totally unintuitive. If you are still confused - don't worry. You are in good company, I spent almost a whole day analyzing the details... and I am still confused. The main problem why this bug is present is that JSSE did not validate the received message_sequence numbers of incoming handshake message. It basically called receive, sorted the received messages by their message_sequence, and processed the message in the "intended" order, without checking that this is the order they are supposed to be sent in.
For example, for JSSE the following message sequence (Certificate and CertificateVerify are exchanged) is totally fine:

Not sending a Certificate message was fine for JSSE as the REQUIRED setting was not correctly evaluated during the handshake. The consumer/producer architecture of JSSE then allowed us to cleverly bypass all the sanity checks.
But fortunately (for the community) this bypass does not work for TLS. Only the less-used DTLS is vulnerable. And this also makes kind of sense. DTLS has to be much more relaxed in dealing with out of order messages then TLS as UDP packets can get swapped or lost on transport and we still want to buffer messages even if they are out of order. But unfortunately for the community, there is also a bypass for JSSE TLS - and it is really really trivial:

Yep. You can just not send a CertificateVerify (and therefore no signature at all). If there is no signature there is nothing to be validated. From JSSE's perspective, you are completely authenticated. Nothing fancy, no complex message exchanges. Ouch.


A vulnerable java server can be found _*here*_. The repository includes a pre-built JSSE server and a Dockerfile to run the server in a vulnerable Java version. (If you want, you can also build the server yourself).
You can build the docker images with the following commands:

docker build . -t poc

You can start the server with docker:

docker run -p 4433:4433 poc tls

The server is configured to enforce client authentication and to only accept the client certificate with the SHA-256 Fingerprint: B3EAFA469E167DDC7358CA9B54006932E4A5A654699707F68040F529637ADBC2.

You can change the fingerprint the server accepts to your own certificates like this:

docker run -p 4433:4433 poc tls f7581c9694dea5cd43d010e1925740c72a422ff0ce92d2433a6b4f667945a746

To exploit the described vulnerabilities, you have to send (D)TLS messages in an unconventional order or have to not send specific messages but still compute correct cryptographic operations. To do this, you could either modify a TLS library of your choice to do the job - or instead use our TLS library TLS-Attacker. TLS-Attacker was built to send arbitrary TLS messages with arbitrary content in an arbitrary order - exactly what we need for this kind of attack. We have already written a few times about TLS-Attacker. You can find a general tutorial __here__, but here is the TLDR (for Ubuntu) to get you going.

Now TLS-Attacker should be built successfully and you should have some built .jar files within the apps/ folder.
We can now create a custom workflow as an XML file where we specify the messages we want to transmit:

This workflow trace basically tells TLS-Attacker to send a default ClientHello, wait for a ServerHelloDone message, then send a ClientKeyExchange message for whichever cipher suite the server chose and then follow it up with a ChangeCipherSpec & Finished message. After that TLS-Attacker will just wait for whatever the server sent. The last action prints the (eventually) transmitted application data into the console. You can execute this WorkflowTrace with the TLS-Client.jar:

java -jar TLS-Client.jar -connect localhost:4433 -workflow_input exploit1.xml

With a vulnerable server the result should look something like this:

and from TLS-Attackers perspective:

As mentioned earlier, if the server is trying to access the certificate, it throws an SSLPeerUnverifiedException. However, if the server does not - it is completely fine exchanging application data.
We can now also run the second exploit against the TLS server (not the one against DTLS). For this case I just simply also send the certificate of a valid client to the server (without knowing the private key). The modified WorkflowTrace looks like this:

Your output should now look like this:

As you can see, when accessing the certificate, no exception is thrown and everything works as if we would have the private key. Yep, it is that simple.
To test the DTLS specific vulnerability we need a vulnerable DTLS-Server:

docker run -p 4434:4433/udp poc:latest dtls

A WorkflowTrace which exploits the DTLS specific vulnerability would look like this:

To execute the handshake we now need to tell TLS-Attacker additionally to use UDP instead of TCP and DTLS instead of TLS:

java -jar TLS-Client.jar -connect localhost:4434 -workflow_input exploit2.xml -transport_handler_type UDP -version DTLS12

Resulting in the following handshake:

As you can see, we can exchange ApplicationData as an authenticated user. The server actually sends the ChangeCipherSpec,Finished messages twice - to avoid retransmissions from the client in case his ChangeCipherSpec,Finished is lost in transit (this is done on purpose).


These bugs are quite fatal for client authentication. The vulnerability got CVSS:4.8 as it is "hard to exploit" apparently. It's hard to estimate the impact of the vulnerability as client authentication is often done in internal networks, on unusual ports or in smart-card setups. If you want to know more about how we found these vulnerabilities you sadly have to wait for our research paper. Until then ~:)


Paul Fiterau Brostean (@PaulTheGreatest) (Uppsala University)
Robert Merget (@ic0nz1) (Ruhr University Bochum)
Juraj Somorovsky (@jurajsomorovsky) (Ruhr University Bochum)
Kostis Sagonas (Uppsala University)
Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala University)
Joeri de Ruiter (@cypherpunknl)  (SIDN Labs)


 Responsible Disclosure

We reported our vulnerabilities to Oracle in September 2019. The patch for these issues was released on 14.01.2020.
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Cómo Evitar Que Google Utilice Tu Red WiFi En Sus Servicios De Localización

Este no es un tema nuevo, pero he de reconocer que a mí, personalmente, me pasó desapercibido y quería compartirlo con vosotros. Se trata de "cómo evitar que Google utilice tu red WiFi en sus servicios de localización". Algo que no es nuevo, pero que en su momento tuvo su impacto en los medios de comunicación y que hoy en día, tras la aprobación del GDPR en Europa se ha quedado en una zona gris.

Figura 1: Cómo evitar que Google utilice tu red WiFi en sus servicios de localización

Para los que no conozcáis la historia, hay que volver atrás en el tiempo a cuando Google quería mejorar los servicios de localización de sus plataformas móviles. Es decir, cómo saber dónde se encuentra un teléfono Android con mucha más exactitud. Para ello, se decidió utilizar un sistema basado en las bases de datos de Wardriving.

Wardriving y el Google Street Car

Hace ya tiempo, el Wardriving se convirtió en una diversión de los hackers muy extendida. La idea era meter en un mapa todas las redes WiFi de la ciudad para que cualquiera que quisiera, pudiera conectarse a Internet.  Es decir, el concepto era geoposicionar redes WiFi por toda la ciudad. Eso se podía hacer andando, en coche o en bicicleta.

Figura 3: Iconografía para redes WiFi descubiertas

Se creó una iconografía completa que se ponía en forma de pegatinas, dibujos pintados en las paredes o apps que te decían en qué lugares de la ciudad podrías encontrar redes WiFi con las que te pudieras conectar a Intenet, ya fuera porque eran redes abiertas, o inseguras con WEP, o con contraseñas fáciles de WPA o WPA2

Figura 4: Iconografía de Wardriving por las ciudades

De hecho, la competición en muchos de los congresos y conferencias de hackers era conseguir el máximo posible de redes WiFi con la información de conexión a la red para la base de datos de Wardriving. Congresos tan importantes como DefCON o EkoParty, tenían sus secciones específicas dedicadas solo al Wardriving.  Debido a esto, yo os recomendaba hacer esto antes de ir a hacer un Ethical Hcking a una empresa porque los empleados suelen conectarse a muchas redes WiFi cercanas a sus oficinas.

Figura 5: Memes con el asunto de Google Steet Vier Car y el sniffig de redes WiFi

Aquello se cerró, no sin que hubiera un lío en muchos países, e incluso Google tuvo que compartir los datos que había ido escaneando en cada uno de los países con los cuerpos de seguridad que tuvieron que revisar la información que había capturado de esas redes abiertas para ver, si en algún caso, habían capturado conexiones a Internet de los usuarios de la red sin cifrar que llevara información sensible y que, Google, hubiera almacenado sin conocimiento de los usuarios. Google borró los datos, y dijo que había sido culpa de una librería estándar mal usada.

Lo mismo, pero en Android

Por supuesto, la idea de copiar el concepto del Wardriving de la comunidad hacker para ir escaneando desde el Google Street Car todas las redes WiFi de la ciudad estaba bien, pero no era comparabale para nada si utilizaban los terminales smartphone con Android, que cada vez empezaban a tener más cuota de mercado frente a los líderes en el mundo móvil, donde iPhone, Motorola, Nokia o BlackBerry comenzaban a dejar paso a Android cada día más. En el libro de Hacking y Seguridad de Comunicaciones Móviles (2ª Edición) se hablan de estas técnicas para todo tipo de conexiones.

Figura 7: Libro de Hacking y Seguridad en comunicaciones móviles
GSM/GPRS/UMTS/LTE (2G,3G y 4) 2ª Edición

Así, los terminales Android (y también los terminales iPhone) utilizan un sistema de mantenimiento de los servicios de localización construido de la siguiente forma. Por un lado, aprovechándose los cada vez mejores servicios de GPS de los terminales reportan las potencias de señales capturadas  por cada terminal móvil de todos los elementos que emiten señales, ya sean BlueTooth, conexiones a redes de telefonía 2G, 3G y 4G, o redes WiFi. La idea es guardar de cada uno de ellos:
- El identificador físico que lo define de forma unívoca: BSSID, SSID, MACs, etc... 
- La potencia de la señal con que llega al terminal móvil. 
- La posición GPS que se puede obtener del servicio puro GPS. 
- Timestamp de cuándo se hace la captura de datos. 
- Información del terminal smartphone que hace la captura de datos.
Todos estos datos llegan a una base de datos donde se almacenan en Google. Con esos datos, utilizando algoritmos de triangulación y calibración,  permiten a Google saber:
- Dónde se encuentra realmente cada terminal móvil más allá de lo que marque el servicio GPS. 
- Saber dónde se encuentra cada terminal incluso si el sistema GPS falla. 
- Saber dónde se encuentra cada terminal con un servicio de menor latencia que el GPS. 
- Alimentar la base de datos con dónde se encuentra cada antena de telefonía exactamente. 
- Saber exactamente donde se encuentra cada red WiFi - incluida la tuya - del mundo.
Sin esta base de datos que da soporte a los servicios de localización de Google, aplicaciones tan populares como Waze o Google Maps funcionan regular. Puedes hacer la prueba tú mismo de forma sencilla. Basta con que pongas una ruta de tu casa a al trabajo en cualquiera de estas dos aplicaciones y quites la WiFi - la apagas en tu terminal iPhone o Android - y verás como, usando solo el GPS, los servicios de localización  funcionan regular y tienen márgenes de error muy altos.

Pero a muchas personas esto no les gusta, ya que también se guarda información de horarios de encendido y apagado del Access Point, de la seguridad de la red, de los fabricantes detrás de los dispositivos, y un buen número de insights que se podrían sacar.

Cómo sacar tu red WiFi de la bae de datos de Google Location Services

Esos datos también se utilizan para alimentar la ubicación en caso de anuncios mostrados por ubicaciones geográficas, o para otro tipo de servicios basados en ubicación. Es decir, gracias a la información que mantiene de las redes WiFi que captura usando los terminales Android como sensores, las conexiones a Internet de estos para enviarlos a sus servidores, y que tú tienes una red WiFi en tu casa, disfrutan de unos servicios de localización mejores que los que tuvo la industria de navegadores GPS para coches en su momento.

Figura 8: Gracias las bases de datos WiFi, Google Maps tiene
una precisión y velocidad mucho mayor que un GPS "tradicional"

Pero claro, Google (y Apple) no han pedido permiso a nadie para capturar esos datos tuyos. Supongamos que tú no quieres tener nada que ver con Google y no quieres que usen tu infraestructura tecnológica para hacer sus negocios. Pues entonces, tal y como está el panorama hoy en día, tienes que ser tú el que haga Opt-Out de su base de datos haciendo algo que no es muy sencillo para todos lo usuarios:
Es decir, debes llamar a tu red WiFi de una forma especial, ya que Google se compromete a eliminar de sus bases de datos todos los datos asociados a redes WiFi cuyo nombre SSID acabe en _nomap. Es decir, debes entrar y cambiar tú el nombre de tu red WiFi si no quieres que Google lo utilice para sus servicio de localización con los que desarrolla su negocio en el mundo Android.

Figura 9: Página de ayuda en Google para explicar _nomap

No sé si este es el mecanismo más correcto o no. Y lo cierto es que si fuera un Opt-in, es decir, que Google indexara solo la información de las redes WiFi acabadas en _map, probablemente no tendría suficiente densidad de redes WiFi para construir unos servicios de localización potentes, pero lo cierto es que a día de hoy, Google y Apple se han construido la red de localización más potente del mundo gracias a que utilizan todos sus dispositivos, y cuando digo todos me refiero a todos - smartphone, SmartTVs, smartWatches, etc... -, en sensores para capturar información del espectro de señales a su alrededor y almacenan esa información para explotarla en su beneficio.

Saludos Malignos!

Autor: Chema Alonso (Contactar con Chema Alonso)

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