الأحد، 7 يونيو 2020

Pentesting 101: Fingerprinting Continued

by Hisomeru

Since we are trying to paint a picture of the target network, saving the nmap output would help. The command line switch "-oA" will output the results of a nmap scan to XML, a grepable format and plain text like you'd see on the screen. Also, since we are trying to gather as much information as possible, nmap should be used to scan all ports, pull back the banners of the services, get the version information of the service and finally the operating system information.

 There is a lot of information in the above screenshot. Using the "-v" flag gives a verbose output. Since we saved the output of nmap, catting the file "target-scan.nmap" will show a more human readable scan output.

 You'll notice that the nmap file shows when the scan was run as well as the nmap options. This is great information that adds to the target information log. Breaking down the command line switches are; "-p-" which is shorthand for scan all ports, 0-65535, "-sV" to do a version scan of the services, "-O" to enable operating system detection, "-oA target-scan" for saving the scan to a file, "-v" for the verbose messages seen in nmap screenshot 2, and "-A" to enable operating system version detection and a traceroute. The nmap scan output shows OpenSSH is running on port 22 and the version is 6.66.1p1 and the Apache web server, version 2.4.7, is running on port 80. It appears that the operating system is an embedded Linux called DD-WRT running on an Actiontec MI424WR-GEN3I WAP. This information can be used as a starting block to finding an exploit against these services.

 Extending nmap's feature set is running scripts through the nmap scripting engine. Below is an example of using an nmap script to grab the banner of the open ports. Notice that ports 22 and 80 have human readable banners and ports 9929 and 31337 do not. Ordinarily these odd ports would be cause for more investigation but scanme.nmap.org is an example of how to use these tools and not a target for a penetration test.

Now that we have a detailed port scan, we can narrow down our fingerprinting to services we would like to investigate. Starting off with port 22, nmap showed that OpenSSH was running. Using an ssh scanner will provide more information about the service and if it contains any vulnerabilities. One such scanner is the simple "ssh_scan." ssh_scan is a simple program that enumerates the SSH service, shows authentication methods, encryption algorithms, and keys then prints its output to the screen in JSON format.

To gather information on a web server there are countless tools out there. One of those tools is called whatweb. Whatweb provides a simple output for the user about the targeted web server. It can also scan whole domains for web servers as well as the web server for various server features through the use of its 1800+ plugins.

Another tool in the arsenal of a penetration tester is Nikto. Nikto is a comprehensive web scanner that checks many different aspects of the server to include version information, subdomain enumeration and authentication, while also supportsing SSL. Nikto also lists vulnerabilities found in the scanned web server as well as references to more information about the vulnerabilities.

In the above screenshot you'll notice a scan done by nikto against the target web server. By default, nikto scans with all plugins. The options the web server is using, how busy it is and if it has many vulnerabilities can affect how long a nikto scan takes. Nikto will also pull back the "robots.txt" file if the server is hosting one. The robots.txt file can lead to other places to scan on a web server. Using the command line flag of "-o", we can send the output to a file and "-host" tells which host to scan. You'll notice in one of the lines near the top it says "use '-C all' to force check all possible dirs." This option allows nikto to scan for common directories found on web servers. In our example, using "-C all" takes a considerable amount of time and does not yield many results. There are other tools available to the penetration tester that can scan a web server for files and directories in a more efficient manner than nikto.

Gobuster is a multi-threaded web scanner that searches for directories and files. It is most commonly used to scan a web server for hidden directories via a provided wordlist. One of the more unique features of gobuster is that you can also use it to search for files by file extension. Gobuster uses HTTP status codes to identify if directories or files are present. Using gobuster can help uncover a login or administrative portal that isn't advertised on the main page.

In the above example of gobuster, we used a dir search to scan for hidden directories on the server using the wordlist provided. The command line flag of "-e" says to show the expanded URL instead of the normal output of "/index", etc. Catting the output file, we can see a cleaner output of what was found using gobuster. Depending on was found during the gobuster scan could be reason to look more into those hidden directories or files during a penetration test.

Next week we continue the Fingerprinting section of our pentetration testing series with hiding with fingerprinting.

Hisomeru is a contributing player in the infosec community. In Hisomeru's more than 15 years of experience, Hisormeru has managed IT security teams, developed custom tools and performed penetration tests. Cyber security is Hisomeru's passion and Hisomeru has taught many individuals cutting edge penetration testing techniques. Hisomeru's twitter is: https://twitter.com/Hisomeru

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Android SSHControl V1.0 Relased!!!

Hoy sabado 15, he subido al Market de Android la versión 1.0 de SSHControl, con nuevas funcionalades y la esperada opción "Custom Commands".

Esta aplicación permite controlar tus servidores linux, bsd y unix con solo un dedo, mediante esta app Android.
Y soluciona las siguientes problemáticas:
- Manejar una shell desde el pequeño teclado de un móvil es engorroso.
- Leer todos los resultados de un comando en la pantalla del móvil, nos dejamos la vista.

Esta app permite interactuar con servidores remotos simplemente haciendo pulsaciones en la pantalla, mediante un explorador de ficheros, de conexiones, etc..

Las funcionalidades nuevas de esta versión 1.0 son:

- Administración del Firewall Iptables.
- Opción de Custom Commands, tal como había prometido.

Las funcionalidades ya presentes en la v0.8 son:

- escalada a root mediante su y sudo
- gestor de procesos
- explorador de ficheros, editor de ficheros, editor de permisos.
- monitorización y baneo de conexiones
- Visualizadores de logs
- administrador de drivers
- estadisticas de disco

Para la versión 2.0 preveo:

- Escuchar música remota
- Descarga de ficheros (wget)
- Transferencia segura de ficheros entre servidores (scp)
- Gestures, para administrar los sitemas en plan minority report :)

App disponible en el market para 861 tipos de dispositivos y pronto disponible en tablets.


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BruteSpray: A Brute-forcer From Nmap Output And Automatically Attempts Default Creds On Found Services

About BruteSpray: BruteSpray takes nmap GNMAP/XML output or newline seperated JSONS and automatically brute-forces services with default credentials using Medusa. BruteSpray can even find non-standard ports by using the -sV inside Nmap.

BruteSpay's Installation
   With Debian users, the only thing you need to do is this command:
sudo apt install brutespray

   For Arch Linux user, you must install Medusa first: sudo pacman -S medusa

   And then, enter these commands to install BruteSpray:

Supported Services: ssh, ftp, telnet, vnc, mssql, mysql, postgresql, rsh, imap, nntpp, canywhere, pop3, rexec, rlogin, smbnt, smtp, svn, vmauthdv, snmp.

How to use BruteSpray?

   First do an Nmap scan with -oG nmap.gnmap or -oX nmap.xml.
   Command: python3 brutespray.py -h
   Command: python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.gnmap
   Command: python3 brutesrpay.py --file nmap.xml
   Command: python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.xml -i

   You can watch more details here:


   Using Custom Wordlists:
python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.gnmap -U /usr/share/wordlist/user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlist/pass.txt --threads 5 --hosts 5

   Brute-Forcing Specific Services:
python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.gnmap --service ftp,ssh,telnet --threads 5 --hosts 5

   Specific Credentials:
python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.gnmap -u admin -p password --threads 5 --hosts 5

   Continue After Success:
python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.gnmap --threads 5 --hosts 5 -c

   Use Nmap XML Output:
python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.xml --threads 5 --hosts 5

   Use JSON Output:
python3 brutespray.py --file out.json --threads 5 --hosts 5

   Interactive Mode: python3 brutespray.py --file nmap.xml -i

Data Specs

Changelog: Changelog notes are available at CHANGELOG.md.

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More information
  1. Hacking Tutorials
  2. Pentesterlab
  3. Pentest Aws
  4. Pentest Azure
  5. Pentest Ubuntu
  6. Pentest Cheat Sheet
  7. Hacking Programs
  8. How To Pentest A Network
  9. Pentest Practice
  10. Pentest Red Team
  11. Hacking Youtube
  12. Pentest Security
  13. Hacker On Computer
  14. Hacking The Art Of Exploitation
  15. Hacker Wifi Password
  16. Pentest Network
  17. Pentest Uk
  18. Pentest Tutorial

Difference Between Hacker, Programmer, And Developer

                There are numerous sprite debates and discussions on the differences between hackers, developers, and programmers. With most descriptions, however, there is usually a slight flaw in at least one or two serious ways. These terms are all traditionally misused and misunderstood, with many of us frequently mixing them up as an all-encompassing definition of anyone working on the Software realm.

However, if you are looking to clarify your project goals and business needs adequately, it is essential that you understand that all these terms do not all represent the same thing (although a person with the ability to program a computer can use different skills to accomplish various outcomes).

What's more, it is also quite important for you to differentiate between these three terms if you are working with software development groups and the fact that they cannot be interchanged.  This excerpt seeks to break it all down for you mainly-the vital difference between hackers, developers, and programmers, their actual tasks, as well as their relationship.

The Hacker

A hacker is a computer expert who uses his knowledge of computer networking, programming, cryptography, and databases to overcome a problem in the system. Hackers are more concerned with availing the concept as opposed to minding about the long-term quality. And although a hacker can conceptualize about how will ultimately be created while frantically writing code, the role is primarily about speed.

A hacker, as well as hacking,' are most useful in dealing with emergency circumstances or when prototyping an item. Hackers and the profession of hacking, in general, is not concerned with the ultimate effect of the code.

Hackers make things. They typically alter the things programmers create and transform them to function differently as well as also writing codes. While "hacker" can refer to any skilled technical person, the term has become associated with computer security, someone who, with their technical knowledge, uses bugs or exploits to break into computer systems.

The Programmer

programmer is an individual equipped with the expertise to write codes. Programmers usually master in a single or multiple programming languages and boast vast knowledge on related areas also. Their roles are relatively procedural and mandate for total concentration not to mention refined skills.

A programmer is solely focused both in writing codes as well as getting features appropriately performed so that these features are accessible for integration and later use. Programming is merely the process of swinging the hammer and adequately creating the software.

Usually, it is easy to identify that an individual is in programming mode since they often have a concentrated gaze and are deep in the zone.' Programmers are normally internalizing the system they are operating as well as editing and writing pieces of something that can only best be described as a long algebra problem.'

The Developer

Developers are typically creators. However, not anyone that is an expert at writing codes can be a developer. Developers are experts at identifying ways around various problems as well as plugging together components to fulfill some requirements. These professionals solve problems or create things by adhering to a specific set of principles (design and implementation).

This set of principles includes attributes such as maintainability, performance, robustness, security, and scale among others. They solve problems in a systematic manner. Ideally, this is what distinguishes programmers, developers, and hackers.

In A Nutshell:

In all simplicity, these three professionals solve various problems using code. A programmer is an encompassing term that means a problem solver, a developer is a trained programmer (formal) who besides resolving issues achieves it in an organized and methodical manner likely instilled in the course of their formal education, and a hacker is a tinkerer/creator.

Despite their differences in individual meaning and professional capacities, these terms, however, can interrelate with each other quite effectively. In fact, it is possible for you to combine the skills to your benefit. In reality, all developers and hackers are programmers. However, despite their expertise, not many developers and programmers are creative enough to warrant an identity as hackers.

Finally, although hackers and programmers are quite impressive, they are however not experienced or educated enough to warrant consideration as developers. The similarity, however, is that all work to create code, each in their specified manner.

Ideally, anyone would work to be all the above-as creative as a hacker, though, somewhat better experienced and formally trained to design software as opposed to only hacking.

Nonetheless, even if you lack the creativity, experience, or education, or either to necessarily create a broad application, it is still worth noting that you are still ideally a programmer. And in case you did not know, solving a problem through code is by itself, a superpower!


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10 Best Wifi Hacking Android Apps To Hack Others Wifi (Without Root)

 Top 10 Best wifi hacking apps to hack wifi^s.   

Today, a smartphone without internet is like a decade ago featured phone which is mainly used to dial and receive the call. No one would even want such a phone today. The Internet is now a necessity for every mobile user. They can't live without the internet and unfortunately; if the Internet is not working due to some signal issues; they get frustrated and sometimes depressed too.

Generally, we need to pay for the Internet subscription package to run mobile data on our smartphone. But what to do if I don't want to spend money on the Internet? The solution is to connect your mobile with WiFi. You can access the internet from there. Easy, right? NO, it's not easy until you know the password of WiFi. But what if you don't know.

Two ways possible in this situation

  1. Either you ask for the password to the owner; he will provide you to use his internet through Wi-Fi
  2. You have to hack the Wi-Fi password of other's network and use the internet as an unauthorized person.

First is not reliable when you don't know the person so, you only have a second option. Today, I am going to share a few apps that help you steal the password and allow you to use the internet from others' account.

1. WiFi WPS WPA Tester

This is the foremost tool to hack the WiFi password without knowing even the root. This is a preferred choice of numerous smartphone users to decipher the pin and get access to the Wi-Fi. As time passes, a tool is upgraded and now even hack the WiFi networks while it was used to check if an access point is highly vulnerable to the rancorous attacks or not.

If you are using Lollipop or above version on your android mobile phone; you don't even need to root your device to crack a WiFi network.

Android App


  • Easy to use
  • Free
  • Decrypt the password in no time.
  • Implementation of several algos like Zhao, Arris, Dlink and more.


  • Need root access if you are using the version below Lollipop.

2. WPS Connect

Routers which has enabled a WPS protocol can be hacked with this app. The important thing is that almost all routers found in public places and homes fall under this category. In short, you will have what you want. Moreover, you can focus on your router & examine that it's vulnerable to any malicious attack or not. It helps you hack the WiFi password without root and also strengthen your WiFi network.

Once you identify the vulnerable (accessible) network, you can quickly get the password and start using the internet without any hassle. It uses algorithms like easyboxPIN and Zhao. Although, this app is not compatible with various Android phones as it is tested on Android devices like the Galaxy series, Nexus and more.

Android App


  • It's free and easy to use
  • Powerful algorithms (Zhao & easyboxPin) to crack the password
  • Supports pinning of Wi-Fi routers


  • Incompatible with few android devices
  • Couldn't identify the network automatically.

3. WiFi WPS WPA Tester Premium

This is an excellent app to decrypt the WiFi network password on your android phone. This works fine on rooted & non-rooted android phones. If you can root the Android device; you can have a better chance to hack into. Today,  security is the primary concern and so, many people use the highly secured wireless router, I think. For such networks, this app will not work as it should be. But, still it can work for numerous times with the help of WPS; not all the time. Every time, you have to try your luck to get access to other's WiFi network. This WPS WPA tester is a premium apk.

Android App


  • Works for both rooted and non-rooted android devices
  • Find the nearby network and connect your mobile with it.


  • It's a premium apk.
  • You have to try your luck to get access to the nearby network.
  • Not good to connect with highly secured wireless routers.

4. AndroDumpper Wifi (WPS Connect) – Discontinued

If you want to connect to a router which is WPS enabled; download this app immediately without going down to browse for other apps. Just open the app, start its interface & find the nearby wireless networks, you want to connect with. The app will provide an excellent option to regain the password of a selected network with & without root. Once you implemented the algorithm; it will display the password in app screen & connect to the network. Isn't it easy for you?

Android App


  • It's Free on Google Play Store
  • Easy to use and faster than some other tool.
  • Works fine for rooted & non-rooted devices
  • A dedicated blog is available for the tool (Get guidance anytime)
  • Supports for giant company routers (Vodaphone, Asus, Huawei, Dlink, etc.)


  • Rooting is required if you are using a version below android 5.0
  • Works only for WPS enabled routers.

5. Wi-fi Password Hacker Prank

Wifi Password hacker prank is a free app for the android users and can help you to connect your android phone to wifi networks available nearby. This free app simulates a process of hacking the wireless network with your smartphone. With this app, you can hack all wifi network passwords with just one key. The Prank word itself says it's a funny app used to prank with your friends. Sometimes, girls can be impressed with this prank as well. But try this at your own risk. Look excellent and professional in front of your friends and colleagues.

Steps to Hack Wifi using the Wifi Password Hacker Prank:

  • Catch up the wireless networks near to you and then select the secure network you wish to hack.
  • Wait for a while & a dialogue will be opened with the wifi password.
  • Bingo! Paste the password and start using others' Internet without spending single money.
  • Watch your favourite show and movie in High-Definition quality without worrying about your mobile data.
Android App

6. WiFi Warden

WiFi Warden is one of the finest and free android WiFi hacking apps to get access to others WiFi with ease. With WiFi Warden, a user can Analyze the WiFi networks, connect to your WiFi using the passphrase and WPS and view saved WiFi passwords without root.

By analyzing the WiFi networks, you can see all necessary information that can be discovered on the wireless networks around including BSSID, SSID, Channel bandwidth, encryption, security, router manufacturer, distance and channel number, etc.

Android App


  • Find the less crowded channel to get WiFi access.
  • You can root your device on all Android versions.
  • Easy to use and connect with the router quickly.
  • All features of this app are available for free.


  • This app doesn't work on all types of router, use a passphrase instead.
  • Access Point (AP) must have enabled WPS.
  • Require Android version 6 (Marshmallow) or higher version is necessary to display Wi-Fi networks around you.
  • Some of the features are in the testing phase. So, use it your own risk.

7. WiFi Password

'WiFi Password' is a completely free app for those who don't want to get away from the Internet even when their internet data is running out. You can connect with others' WiFi routers and use their Internet.

If you are using Android Version 5 or above; 'WiFi Password' can be the right choice for you to watch your favorite shows on YouTube in HD without even worrying about Mobile Data.

Android App


  • Millions of WiFi Hotspots
  • Scan and detect the WiFi security
  • Connect WiFi Hotspot nearby without knowing the WiFi Password
  • You can simply add a free WiFi Hotspot by sharing the passwords with others.

Cons :

  • Still, there are some glitches in it but works well.

8. WiFi Kill Pro

WiFi Kill is one the best WiFi network controller application which can disable the Internet connection of others who are connected to the same network. Yes, this is true. It is a useful tool for internet users who want to improve their data speed by disabling other's internet connection and allocate all the bandwidth to your device only.

Currently, this app is only for Android users and needs root access to perform well.

Android App


    • You can see all connected device on the same network you are connected.

    • Display the data transfer rate of all devices

    • Monitor network activity

    • You can cut the network connection of any connected device.
  • It works well on tablets too.


    • Require root access
  • Require Android version 4.0.3 or up to use this app.

9. Penetrate Pro

A popular Wifi hacker app for android users, Penetrate pro is free and works well on Android devices. This app is widely used to find WEP and/or WPA keys to connect the devices with network routers without knowing the wifi password. Just install the app and search for the network; this app starts automatically displaying the WEP/WPA keys on the screen. Tap on the network you want to connect; one it gets connected; you can start watching videos on YouTube. Quite interesting, doesn't it?

Android App


    • Easy to search nearby free wifi networks.

    • Connect the network without knowing keys
  • Available for Free


    • Not available on Google Play Store; need to download manually.
  • Works well only for the rooted android devices

So, you have got the list of apps that help you use the internet from other's wireless network without getting caught. If you have any idea of any other Wi-Fi password hacking app; just let me know. We would love to discuss it here.

Disclaimer: VR Bonkers is not responsible for any consequences if you face while using any of the above apps. This is just a list and we are not taking any responsibility for the same. So, use them at your risk.


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