الاثنين، 13 أبريل 2020

Lunar - A Lightweight Native DLL Mapping Library That Supports Mapping Directly From Memory

A lightweight native DLL mapping library that supports mapping directly from memory

  • Imports and delay imports are resolved
  • Relocations are performed
  • Image sections are mapped with the correct page protection
  • Exception handlers are initialised
  • A security cookie is generated and initialised
  • DLL entry point and TLS callbacks are called

Getting started
The example below demonstrates a simple implementation of the library
var libraryMapper = new LibraryMapper(process, dllBytes);

// Map the DLL into the process


// Unmap the DLL from the process


LibraryMapper(Process, Memory<byte>)
Provides the functionality to map a DLL from memory into a remote process
LibraryMapper(Process, string)
Provides the functionality to map a DLL from disk into a remote process

The base address of the DLL in the remote process after it has been mapped

Maps the DLL into the remote process
Unmaps the DLL from the remote process

  • Mapping requires the presence of a PDB for ntdll.dll, and, so, the library will automatically download the latest version of this PDB from the Microsoft symbol server and cache it in %appdata%/Lunar/Dependencies

via KitPloit

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Learning Web Pentesting With DVWA Part 1: Installation

In this tutorial series I'm going to walk you through the damn vulnerable web application (DVWA) which is damn vulnerable. Its main goal according to the creators is "to aid security professionals to test thier skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the process of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn about web application security in a controlled class room environment."

I am going to install DVWA in docker so the prerequisite for this tutorial will be an installation of docker (Docker is not the only way to install DVWA but if you have docker already installed then it may be the easiest way to install DVWA).

To install DVWA in docker run your docker deamon if it's not running already and open a terminal or powershell and type:

docker rum --rm -it -p 8080:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa

It will take some time to pull the image from docker hub depending on your internet speed and after it is complete it will start the dvwa application. In the command we have mapped the image instance's port 80 to our hosts port 8080 so we should be able to access the web application from our host at http://localhost:8080

Now open your favorite web browser and go to http://localhost:8080
You should be prompted with a login screen like this:

login with these creds:
username: admin
password: password

After login you'll see a database setup page since this is our first run. Click on Create / Reset Database button at the bottom. It will setup database and redirect you to login page. Now login again and you'll see a welcome page.

Now click on DVWA Security link at the bottom of the page navigation and make sure the security level is set to Low. If it is not click on the dropdown, select Low and then click submit.

Now our setup is complete, so lets try a simple SQL attack to get a taste of whats about to come.

Click on SQL Injection in navigation menu.
You'll be presented with a small form which accepts User ID.
Enter a single quote (') in the User ID input field and click Submit.
You'll see an SQL error like this:

From the error message we can determine that the server has a MariaDB database and we can see the point of injection.
Since there are many quotes we are not able to determine the exact location of our injection. Lets add some text after our single quote to see exactly where our injection point is.
Now I am going to enter 'khan in the User ID field and click Submit.

Now we can see exactly where the point of injection is. Determining the point of injection is very important for a successful SQL injection and is sometimes very hard too, though it might not be that much useful here in this exercise.

Now lets try the very basic SQL Injection attack.
In the User ID field enter ' or 1=1-- - and click Submit.

We will explain what is going on here in the next article.

1. DVWA Official Website: http://www.dvwa.co.uk/

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Top Users Command In Linux Operating System With Descriptive Definitions

Linux is a command line interface and has a graphical interface as well. But the only thing we should know how we interact with Linux tools and applications with the help of command line. This is the basic thing of Linux.  As you can do things manually by simple clicking over the programs just like windows to open an applications. But if you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well.
In this blog you will get a content about commands of Linux which are collectively related to the system users. That means if you wanna know any kind of information about the users of the system like username passwords and many more.


The "id" command is used in Linux operating system for the sake of getting knowledge about active user id with login and group. There may be different users and you wanna get a particular id of the user who is active at that time so for this you just have to type this command over the terminal.


The "last" command is used in Linux operating system to show the information about the last logins on the system. If you forget by which user id you have logged in at last time. So for this information you can search login detail by using this command.


The "who" command is used in Linux distributions to display the information about the current user which a an active profile over the Linux operating system. If you are in the system and you don't know about that active user and suddenly you have to know about that user detail so you can get the info by using this command.


The "groupadd admin" is the command which is used in Linux operating system to add a group in the Linux system to gave the privileges to that group.


The "useradd" command is used in Linux operating system to add user or users to a specific group. If you wanna add a user name Umer so for this matter you just have to write a command i.e. useradd -c "Umer".


The "userdel" command is used in Linux operating system for the purpose to delete any user or users from the particular group present in the linux operating system. For example "userdel Umer" this command will delete the user named Umer.


The "adduser" command is a simple command used to create directly any user in the system. There is no need to make a group for this. You just have to type the command with user name like adduser Umer, it will created a user by name Umer.


The "usermod" is a command used in Linux operating system to modify the information of any particular user. You can edit or delete information of any particular user in the Linux operating system.

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Wafw00F: The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Tool

How does wafw00f work?
   To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following steps:
  • Sends a normal HTTP request and analyses the response; this identifies a number of WAF solutions.
  • If that is not successful, wafw00f sends a number of (potentially malicious) HTTP requests and uses simple logic to deduce which WAF it is.
  • If that is also not successful, wafw00f analyses the responses previously returned and uses another simple algorithm to guess if a WAF or security solution is actively responding to wafw00f's attacks.

   For further details, check out the source code on EnableSecurity's main repository.

What does it detect? WAFW00F can detect a number of firewalls, a list of which is as below:

wafw00f's installation
   If you're using Debian-based distro, enter this commands to install wafw00f: sudo apt update && sudo apt install wafw00f

   But if you're using another Linux distro, enter these commands to install wafw00f:

How to use wafw00f?
   The basic usage is to pass an URL as an argument. Example:

Final Words to you
   Questions? Pull up an issue on GitHub Issue Tracker or contact to EnableSecurity.
   Pull requests, ideas and issues are highly welcome. If you wish to see how WAFW00F is being developed, check out the development board.

   Some useful links:

   Presently being developed and maintained by:

More information

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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Top 10 Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018

Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018

Top 10 Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018

Google is the search engine where the people look up for the things. Yet apart from being only a search engine this website is highly functional and has a lot of functions dubbed inside it. And even the webmasters don't know about all the features as they are so vast that you need to explore lots of things to get to know about them all.  There are a number of gravity opposing tricks in the Google search page that you would like to enjoy. Well many of you guys must be new to this word as only 15% of Google users know this thing and for rest, I'm here to guide you up in this. Here in this article, we have written about the best google gravity tricks that you could ever find in this year. If you are interested to know about it then please read the main section of this post as it is given below. This was all the introduction part of this post and now after this line, we are going to skip to the main section. We recommend you to read till the end to get the fullest information from this page!

Top 10 Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018

Below I have mentioned some of the best tricks that I tried as I was getting bored and thought about exploring something new and then I searched Google Tricks on google and then I get to know that even these things are also possible on the Google. You can use so many different things to kill your boredom on Google. There I decided to note down these tricks and share the article with you so that you can also avail these. So follow the below guide to proceed.

#1 Google zero gravity level fall

Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018
Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018
This is the first trick that amazed me as when I get to know this thing can happen when I was really surprised as it was quite funny. It is a standout amongst the most astonishing google gravity trap. In this trap, the substance will appear like tumbling to a level surface. Every one of the substances like pictures, writings, and so on of your page will be upset. They will look somewhat bouncy and turned around that looks exceptionally energizing and stunning.

#2 Google Sphere

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
This is second best google gravity trap. In this trap, the substance rotates in a round way. Be that as it may, you will think that its little hard to deal with it since you need to chip away at turning writings.

#3 Google Loco

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
This google gravity trap is much like the google zero gravity. You will see the substance as falling in a seismic tremor,

#4 Zerg Rush

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
This is one of my most loved google gravity trap. In this deceive you will see somewhere in the range of zeros spreading in your page. to utilize this trap Open Google.com and hunt Zerg Rush through utilizing the search bar.

#5 Google submerged

Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018
Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018
This is of the most attractive google gravity trap. In this deceive you will see a domain of submerged. You will see the pursuit bar coasting in the water.

#6 Do a barrel roll

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
This is likewise an astounding google gravity trap. In this deceive, you will get an impact to your page with which, your page will turn in a solitary minute.

#7 Google Guitar

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
This is additionally a stunning google gravity trap. In this deceive, you can play guitar on the web index. You can play your coveted tunes with it. Google will give you notes to your tunes.

#8 Google zero gravity reversal

Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018
Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018
This is one of the coolest Google gravity trap. In this deceive, you will get a perfect representation of your site page. You will feel like you are on the opposite side of the screen.

#9 Google space

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
In this google gravity deceive you encounter a dream of the room. It implies that the substance of your page will appear like gliding noticeable all around with no gravitational power.

#10 Pacman

Best Google Gravity Tricks That You Need To Try
Best Google Gravity Tricks 2018 That You Need To Try
This is the standout amongst the most energizing google gravity trap. With this deceive, you can play Pacman game in this.
Finally, after reading this article, you have got to know about. We have tried to provide you this content in the simple and easy to read wordings and hope that you would have easily got about everything written up here. We believe that you might like this article and if it is what you think then please try to share it with others too. Your indulgence in our post is really valuable to us, so do not miss to write about your opinions and suggestions regarding this article through using the comments section below. At last but never the least thanks for reading this article!
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RenApp: The Ultimate File Renaming App

Are you tired of managing your tens of thousands of files like jpgs, pngs, or others and you want a way to manage them as quick as possible then RenApp is solution for all problem.
RenApp lets you change names of many files of a particular type to a common name with added numbering. So no more time wasting in file management just four clicks and your files will be ordered.

Beside that RenApp can clean your folders and subfolders from backup files of .bak or .*~ extension. Removing backup files in order to make space available manually is a tedious work and can take lots of time but why do it that we've got RenApp just locate the folder and click remove it'll remove them all from that folder and its subfolders. 

Some of the features of RenApp are as:
  •    Rename files to a common name.
  •    Rename files of different extensions to a common name in one shot
  •    Remove backup files from folder and subfolders.
R  RenApp is free and Opensource, written in Python with QT interface. Check out the source code at sourceforge.

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