الجمعة، 8 مايو 2020


7 Types of hacker 

1-Script Kiddies-They are  just download overused software & watch youtube video on how to use it. Script kiddies don't care about hacking.

2-White Hat-They are the good guys of the hacker world. They also known as Ethical Hacker.

3-Black Hat-They finds bank or other companies with weak security and steal money or credit card information. They also known as cracker. They are dangerous because they are illegal to gain unauthorized access.

4-Gray Hat-They don't steal money or information sometimes they deface a website or they don't help people for good.

5-Green Hat-These are the hacker "noobz" but unlike Script Kiddies.They care about Hacking  and strive to become full-blown hacker.

6-Red Hat-These are the vigilantes of the hacker world. They are like White Hats in that they halt Black Hats but these folks are downright SCARY to those who have ever tried so much as penetrest.

7-Blue Hat-If a Script Kiddy took revenge he/she might become a Blue Hat.Most Blue Hats are noobz.They have no desire to learn.

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How To Hack Facebook By Social Engineering Attack

This video is specially for educational purpose only. I'm not responsible for your any illegal activity. Thanks!

 Social Engineering Attack

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. The purpose of this video tutorial is to show you How hackers hacked any thing by Social Engineering Attack.

Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords. The information is then used to access important accounts and can result in identity theft and financial loss.

Kali Linux has many tools for doing social engineering attacks. Setoolkit is the most powerful tool in Kali Linux to do a social engineering attacks over the same and different networks. 

Social Engineering over the same network requires the local IP address of your system just like this one Now how you can get your local IP address from your system. To find local IP address just open up your terminal in Linux distribution:

Type: ifconfig wlan0 (if you are using WiFi)
Type: ifconfig eth0 (if you are using eth0)
Type: ifconfig (It display all information about your network)

Now you've another thing to do is that you just have to clone a web page you wanna clone like Facebook, g-mail, twitter etc. Similarly, If you wanna clone a facebook page so for this you just have to type www.facebook.com over your system's terminal for cloning a login page for Social Engineering attack.Still If you don't know how to do that so don't be worry, I did all the process practically in the below just go down and watch it!