الجمعة، 15 مايو 2020

What Is Cybercrime? What Are The Types Of Cybercrime? What Is Cyberlaw In India?

What is cyber crime?

Cybercrime is the use of computers & networks to perform illegal activities such as spreading viruses,online  bullying,performing unauthorized electronic fund transfers etc. Most cyber crimes are committed through the internet.
Some cyber crime also be carried out using mobile phones via Sms and online chatting applications.


The following list presents the common types of cybercrimes-

1-Computer Fraud-Intential deception for personal gain via the use of computer system.

2-Privacy Violations-Exposing personal information such as email addresses,phone numbers,account details etc, on social media,websites,etc.

3-Identity theft-Stealing personal information from somebody and impersonating that person.

4-Sharing copyright files/information-This involves distributing copyright protected files such as eBooks and computer program etc.

5-Electronic funds transfer-This involves gaining an unauthorized access to bank computer networks and making illegal funds transferring.

6-Electronic money laundering-This involves the use of the computer to launder money.

7-Atm fraud-This involves intercepting ATM card details such as account numbers and PIN numbers.These details are then used to withdraw funds from the intercepted accounts.

8-Denial of service attack-This involves the use of computers in multiple locations to attack servers with a view of shutting them down.

9-Spam:sending unauthorized emails.
These emails usually contain advertisements.


Under The Information Technology Act,2000 
CHAPTER XI-OFFENCES-66. Hacking with computer system.

1-whoever with the Intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause Wrongfull Loss or Damage to the public or any person Destroys or Deletes or Alter any Information Residing in computer Resource or diminishes its value or utility or affects it injuriously by any means, commits hack.

2-whoever commits hacking shell be punished with imprisonment up to three years, or  with fine which may extend up to two lakh rupees,or with both.
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Reversing Rust String And Str Datatypes

Lets build an app that uses several data-types in order to see how is stored from a low level perspective.

Rust string data-types

The two first main objects are "str" and String, lets check also the constructors.

Imports and functions

Even such a basic program links several libraries and occupy 2,568Kb,  it's really not using the imports and expots the runtime functions even the main. 

Even a simple string operation needs 544 functions on rust:

Main function

If you expected see a clear main function I regret to say that rust doesn't seem a real low-level language In spite of having a full control of the memory.

Ghidra turns crazy when tries to do the recursive parsing of the rust code, and finally we have the libc _start function, the endless loop after main is the way Ghidra decompiles the HLT instruction.

If we jump to main, we see a function call, the first parameter is rust_main as I named it below:

If we search "hello world" on the Defined Strings sections, matches at the end of a large string

After doing "clear code bytes" we can see the string and the reference:

We can see that the literal is stored in an non null terminated string, or most likely an array of bytes. we have a bunch of byte arrays and pointed from the code to the beginning.
Let's follow the ref.  [ctrl]+[shift]+[f] and we got the references that points to the rust main function.

After several naming thanks to the Ghidra comments that identify the rust runtime functions, the rust main looks more understandable.
See below the ref to "hello world" that is passed to the string allocated hard-coding the size, because is non-null terminated string and there is no way to size this, this also helps to the rust performance, and avoid the c/c++ problems when you forgot the write the null byte for example miscalculating the size on a memcpy.

Regarding the string object, the allocator internals will reveal the structure in static.
alloc_string function call a function that calls a function that calls a function and so on, so this is the stack (also on static using the Ghidra code comments)

1. _$LT$alloc..string..String$u20$as$u20$core..convert..From$LT$$RF$str$GT$$GT$::from::h752d6ce1f15e4125
2. alloc::str::_$LT$impl$u20$alloc..borrow..ToOwned$u20$for$u20$str$GT$::to_owned::h649c495e0f441934
3. alloc::slice::_$LT$impl$u20$alloc..borrow..ToOwned$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$::to_owned::h1eac45d28
4. alloc::slice::_$LT$impl$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$::to_vec::h25257986b8057640
5. alloc::slice::hack::to_vec::h37a40daa915357ad
6. core::slice::_$LT$impl$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$::len::h2af5e6c76291f524
7. alloc::vec::Vec$LT$T$GT$::extend_from_slice::h190290413e8e57a2
8. _$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$alloc..vec..SpecExtend$LT$$RF$T$C$core..slice..Iter$LT$T$GT$$GT$$GT$::spec_extend::h451c2f92a49f9caa

Well I'm not gonna talk about the performance impact on stack but really to program well reusing code grants the maintainability and its good, and I'm sure that the rust developed had measured that and don't compensate to hardcode directly every constructor.

At this point we have two options, check the rust source code, or try to figure out the string object in dynamic with gdb.

Source code

Let's explain this group of substructures having rust source code in the hand.
The string object is defined at string.rs and it's simply an u8 type vector.

And the definition of vector can be found at vec.rs  and is composed by a raw vector an the len which is the usize datatype.

The RawVector is a struct that helds the pointer to the null terminated string stored on an Unique object, and also contains the allocation pointer, here raw_vec.rs definition.

The cap field is the capacity of the allocation and a is the allocator:

Finally the Unique object structure contains a pointer to the null terminated string, and also a one byte marker core::marker::PhantomData

Dynamic analysis

The first parameter of the constructor is the interesting one, and in x64 arch is on RDI register, the extrange sequence RDI,RSI,RDX,RCX it sounds like ACDC with a bit of imagination (di-si-d-c)

So the RDI parámeter is the pointer to the string object:

So RDI contains the stack address pointer that points the the heap address 0x5578f030.
Remember to disable ASLR to correlate the addresses with Ghidra, there is also a plugin to do the synchronization.

Having symbols we can do:
p mystring

and we get the following structure:

String::String {
  vec: alloc::vec::Vec {
    buf: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec {
      ptr: core::ptr::unique::Unique {
        pointer: 0x555555790130 "hello world\000",
        _marker: core::marker::PhantomData
     cap: 11,
     a: alloc::alloc::Global
   len: 11

If the binary was compiled with symbols we can walk the substructures in this way:

(gdb) p mystring.vec.buf.ptr
$6 = core::ptr::unique::Unique {pointer: 0x555555790130 "hello world\000", _marker: core::marker::PhantomData}

(gdb) p mystring.vec.len

$8 = 11

If we try to get the pointer of each substructure we would find out that the the pointer is the same:

If we look at this pointer, we have two dwords that are the pointer to the null terminated string, and also 0xb which is the size, this structure is a vector.

The pionter to the c string is 0x555555790130

This seems the c++ string but, let's look a bit deeper:

  (gdb) x/wx 0x7fffffffdf50
  0x7fffffffdf50: 0x55790130  -> low dword c string pointer
  0x7fffffffdf54: 0x00005555  -> hight dword c string pointer
  0x7fffffffdf58: 0x0000000b  -> len

0x7fffffffdf5c: 0x00000000
0x7fffffffdf60: 0x0000000b  -> low cap (capacity)
0x7fffffffdf64: 0x00000000  -> hight cap
0x7fffffffdf68: 0xf722fe27  -> low a  (allocator)
0x7fffffffdf6c: 0x00007fff  -> hight a
0x7fffffffdf70: 0x00000005 

So in this case the whole object is in stack except the null-terminated string.

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How To Control Android Phone From Another Phone Remotely

How to control Android phone From another phone Remotely

If you wish to remotely control Android phone from another phone, then you have come to the right place. It might sound surprising, but now you can easily control Android from Android by using the right kinds of applications. This can let you keep a strict eye on your kids, spouse, or anyone else remotely. In this informative post, we will make you familiar with different Android to Android remote control apps. Also, we will provide a stepwise solution to use an Android tracking app as well. Let's uncover them by taking one step at a time.

Control Android Phone from Another Phone Remotely

There could be numerous reasons to control Android from Android remotely. In most of the cases, it is used by professionals to access a device over the air. Also, parents like to use an Android to Android remote control at times to get a complete access to their kid's smartphones. Sometimes, it can help us transfer files from one device to another. You can also use it to access your partner's or employee's phone at the time of needs too. In the next section, we will let you know how to remotely control Android phone from another phone.

Control android from another android

How to remotely control Android phone from another phone?

There are different readily available applications that can be used to remotely control Android phone from another phone. We have picked the 3 best tools here.

1. TeamViewer for Remote Control

TeamViewer is one of the most widely known solutions that can provide a remote access to computer and smartphone remotely. It has a dedicated solution for Android as well that can perform the same function without any trouble. You can try its free version and later buy the premium subscription if you wish to.

  • Smart screen sharing with a complete control of the device
  • Control Android from Android by bypassing a security access (a one-time code should be matched).
  • 256 Bit AES session encoding and 2048 Bit RSA key exchange supported for advanced security
  • File transfer is also supported

Compatibility; Android 4.0 and later versions

Get it here >>

Control android from android - TeamViewer for Remote Control

2. RemoDroid

RemoDroid is another smart and lightweight Android to Android remote control that you can use. Besides controlling an Android phone, you can also use this tool to control a TV and other smart devices from your Android device as well.

  • Easy screen sharing provision
  • You can remotely control Android phone from another phone and other smart devices (like a TV)
  • It supports screen sharing between multiple users
  • Password protected and supports one-time authentication
  • Advanced features require root access

Compatibility: Android 4.0 and up

Get it here >>

Control android from android - RemoDroid

3. Inkwire Screen Share and Assist

Inkwire is a highly useful app that every Android user should have installed on their device. This freely available tool can let you share your screen with another user. After sharing the screen, you can provide assistance by marking the screen as well. It is particularly used by users to guide other how to use a certain feature on the device.

  • Once connected, you can easily draw on the screen and guide the other user on a real-time basis.
  • It is extensively used to provide customer support for Android apps.
  • Voice chat option is also included

Compatibility: Android 5.0 and later versions

Get it here >>

Control android from android - Inkwire Screen Share and Assist


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"Exploit-Me is a suite of Firefox web application security testing tools designed to be lightweight and easy to use. The Exploit-Me series was originally introduced at the SecTor conference in Toronto. The slides for the presentation are available for download. Along with this SecTor is making the audio of the talk available." read more...

Website: http://securitycompass.com/exploitme.shtml

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