السبت، 2 أبريل 2011

How to improve your bowling

How to improve your bowling

 (advanced Bowlers)

How to improve your bowling (advanced Bowlers)thumbnail Bowling better is more enjoyable

Bowlers who average 170 to 185 know what it means to work at the game. However, a 200 average is what many bowlers covet since it is the mark of a well skilled bowler. Getting from 185 to a 200 is a huge step and takes more knowledge along with more work. If you are willing to do the work, you can gain some of that knowledge. Who knows, it might tempt you to even try out for the pro tour.

Moderately Challenging


    • 1
      Strikes mean a high average

      Practice throwing your strike ball. You want to throw all balls as a strike ball. If you leave a spare, instead of shooting for that spare you shoot for another strike. Line up on the alley as if all ten pins were standing and throw your strike ball instead of shooting the spare shot.

    • 2

      Commit to adjusting to the lane conditions when you throw your strike ball. Start at your normal place on the approach. If it is hooking to much determine how many boards to much. If it is four boards, then move four boards left on the approach and move your spot two boards left on the lanes. If it is still hooking to much move two more boards left on the approach and one board left on the lanes. If it still hooks to much, again move two boards left on the approach and one board left on the lanes. This is the proper way to zero in on the strike pocket.

    • 3

      Observe if your strike ball is not hooking enough. Again try and determine how many boards the ball is away from the pocket and this time move that many boards right on the approach, moving half as many boards right on the lane. If still not reaching the pocket move two boards right on the approach and one board right on the lanes. If still not hooking enough repeat the last step.

    • 4

      Walk straight to the foul line as you make your lane adjustments. Straight as possible, a two or three board drift can be acceptable, though two boards or less is best.

    • 5

      Open your shoulders when you have moved left on the approach to adjust to the lanes. When moving right on the approach close your shoulders. This is of course the opposite for left handed bowlers.

    • 6

      Work on your spares at another time. If the lanes are hooking a lot you may want to use another ball for your spares. Possibly a plastic ball which does not hook as much. Shooting a more direct shot is recommended for spares. Though strikes are what you want most, making the spares count, also.

Tips & Warnings

  • Left-handed bowlers using the left side of the lane, simply make adjustments opposite that of right-handed bowlers.

  • Always release each ball the same way since a consistent release leads to consistent reaction of the ball on the lane.

  • Sometimes a wrist band can help with consistent release; there are many to choose from in your local pro shops.

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