الأربعاء، 31 مايو 2023


NanoCore is one of the most powerful RATs ever created. It is capable of taking complete control of a victim's machine. It allows a user to control the system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It has many features which allow a user to access remote computer as an administrator. Download nanocore rat cracked version free of cost.
NanoCore's developer was arrested by FBI and pleaded guilty in 2017 for developing such a malicious privacy threat, and sentenced 33 months in prison.


  • Complete Stealth Remote Control
  • Recover Passwords from the Victim Device
  • Manage Networks
  • Manage Files
  • Surveillance
  • Plugins (To take it to the next level)
  • Many advanced features like SCRIPTING


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Linux Command Line Hackery Series - Part 5

Welcome back to the Linux Command Line Hackery series, this is Part-V of the series. Today we are going to learn how to monitor and control processes on our Linux box, so wrap your sleeves up and let's get started.

Command:    ps
Syntax:           ps [options]
Description:  ps displays information about the currently running processes. Some of the common flags of ps are described briefly below
  -A or -e -> select all processes
  -a -> select all processes except both session leaders and processes not associated with a terminal.
  T -> select all processes associated with current terminal
  -u <username or id> -> select all processes of a given user or userlist

Open up a terminal and type ps:


what you'll see is a list of processes currently running in your terminal. One important thing to notice in the output is what's called as PID which stands for process ID. It is the number that uniquely identifies a process. Just keep that PID concept in mind we'll use it soon.

OK I know that's not really what you want to see rather you want to see all the processes that are currently running on your box. Don't worry we have flags to rescue, in order to see all the processes you can use the -e flag like this:

ps -e

Boom! you get a long list of processes currently running on your machine (don't stare at me like that, you asked and I gave you that). If you want to see processes of a particular user you can type the following command in your terminal:

ps -u bob

here "bob" is a username. This command will list all processes of the user with effective user name of bob.

You can do a full-format listing of the processes using the -f flag like this:

ps -fu bob

But the output of the ps command is a snapshot not really a live preview of what is going on in your box. I know your next question is going to be something like this, Isn't there a command in Linux that gives me a live updating information of the processes? Yes, there is a command called top that we'll learn about next.

Command:    top
Syntax:           top [options]
Description:  top gives a dynamic real-time view of a running system. That is, it gives the up-to-date information about all the processes running on your Linux box (sounds fun!). Besides giving information about current processes and threads top also provides a brief system summary.

To start top just type this command:


and you'll get a nice and cute looking ugly display :). Well what the heck is going on here you might ask, right? What you get is information about what is going on with your computer. To see what more can you do with top just type <h> within the program window and you'll be given list of options that you can play with.

OK looking at what processes are going on in your box is cool but what if you want to terminate (or close) a process, is there a command line utility for that? Yes, there is and that's what we are going to look at next.

Command:   kill
Syntax:          kill [options] <pid> [...]
Description:  kill is used to send a signal to process which by default is a TERM signal meaning kill by default sends a signal of termination to process (Cruel guy). To list the available signals we can use the -l or -L flag of the kill command.

To simply terminate a process we provide kill command a PID (process ID) and it will send the TERM signal to the process. So to kill a process first we'll list the running processes and then we'll keep the PID of the process in mind that we want to terminate. After that we'll issue the kill command with the PID that we just found.

ps -ax
kill 1153

the above command will send a TERM signal to the process whose PID is 1153, as simple as that.

We can also use our already learned skills to refine the output of ps command. Say we have a xterm terminal running on our box and we want to terminate it. By using ps command all alone we'll get a long listing of all processes running on our box. But we can limit the output of ps command to just those processes that we're interested in by piping ps command with the grep command like this:

ps -ax | grep xterm

wow! that's amazing, we're able to pull out only those results from the ps command that contained xterm in them. Isn't that a cool trick? But what is that vertical bar ( ) doing in the middle, you may be thinking, right? Remember we learned about the input and output re-directors previously, the vertical bar (pipe in geeky terms) is another re-director whose task is to redirect the output of one command as input to another command. Here the pipe redirects the output of ps -ax command as input to grep command and of-course from the previous article you know that grep is used to search for a PATTERN in the given input. That means the above command searches for the xterm word in the output of ps -ax command and then displays just those lines of ps -ax command which contain xterm. Now get that PID and kill that process.

That's it for today, try these commands up on your own box and remember practice is gonna make you master the Linux command line. :)

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الثلاثاء، 30 مايو 2023

Iranian Hackers Using New PowerShell Backdoor In Cyber Espionage Attacks


An advanced persistent threat group with links to Iran has updated its malware toolset to include a novel PowerShell-based implant called PowerLess Backdoor, according to new research published by Cybereason.

The Boston-headquartered cybersecurity company attributed the malware to a hacking group known as Charming Kitten (aka Phosphorous, APT35, or TA453), while also calling out the backdoor's evasive PowerShell execution.

"The PowerShell code runs in the context of a .NET application, thus not launching 'powershell.exe' which enables it to evade security products," Daniel Frank, senior malware researcher at Cybereason, said. "The toolset analyzed includes extremely modular, multi-staged malware that decrypts and deploys additional payloads in several stages for the sake of both stealth and efficacy."

The threat actor, which is active since at least 2017, has been behind a series of campaigns in recent years, including those wherein the adversary posed as journalists and scholars to deceive targets into installing malware and stealing classified information.

Earlier this month, Check Point Research disclosed details of an espionage operation that involved the hacking group exploiting the Log4Shell vulnerabilities to deploy a modular backdoor dubbed CharmPower for follow-on attacks.

The latest refinements to its arsenal, as spotted by Cybereason, constitutes an entirely new toolset that encompasses the PowerLess Backdoor, which is capable of downloading and executing additional modules such as a browser info-stealer and a keylogger.

Also potentially linked to the same developer of the backdoor are a number of other malware artifacts, counting an audio recorder, an earlier variant of the information stealer, and what the researchers suspect to be an unfinished ransomware variant coded in .NET.

Furthermore, infrastructure overlaps have been identified between the Phosphorus group and a new ransomware strain called Memento, which first emerged in November 2021 and took the unusual step of locking files within password-protected archives, followed by encrypting the password and deleting the original files, after their attempts to encrypt the files directly were blocked by endpoint protection.

"The activity of Phosphorus with regard to ProxyShell took place in about the same time frame as Memento," Frank said. "Iranian threat actors were also reported to be turning to ransomware during that period, which strengthens the hypothesis that Memento is operated by an Iranian threat actor."

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OWASP May Connector 2019

May 2019


Letter from the Vice Chairman:

Dear OWASP Community,

Since last month the foundation has been busy working towards enabling our project leaders and community members to utilize funds to work on nurturing and developing projects. So far there has been huge uptake on this initiative. It's great to see so many people passionate about collaborating at project summits. 
Our Global AppSec Tel-Aviv is nearly upon us, for members, there is an extra incentive for attending this conference, in the form of a significant discount. This and the sandy beaches and beautiful scenery, not to mention the great speakers and trainers we have lined up, is a great reason to attend. If you have not done so we would encourage you to attend this great conference - https://telaviv.appsecglobal.org.
One of the key things I've noticed in my Board of Director tenure is the passion our community emits, sometimes this passion aids in growing the foundation, but sometimes it also forces us to take a step back and look at how we do things within the foundation. With Mike, our ED and staff we have seen a lot of good change from an operations perspective, with more in the pipeline. Mike's appointment has allowed the Board of Directors to take a step back from operations and enable us to work on more strategic goals. To this end at a recent Board meeting we discussed each Board member taking up one of the following strategic goals, as set out at the start of the year:
1.Marketing the OWASP brand 
2.Membership benefits
3.Developer outreach

  • Improve benefits 
  • Decrease the possibility of OWASP losing relevance
  • Reaching out to management and Risk levels
  • Increase involvement in new tech/ ways of doing things – dev ops
4.Project focus 
  • Get Universities involved
  • Practicum sponsored ideas
  • Internships 

5.Improve finances
6.Improve OWAP/ Board of Directors Perception
7.Process improvement
8. Get consistent ED
9.Community empowerment
I would encourage the community to come forward if you have any ideas on the above and are happy to work with one of the 7 Board of Directors and community members on one of these initiatives. 
Thanks and best wishes, 
Owen Pendlebury
Vice Chair


OWASP Foundation welcomes aboard Emily Berman as Events Director. Emily was most recently with the Scrum Alliance where she planned high-profile functions for upwards of 2,000 guests. Emily brings a fresh approach to events planning and her 12 years of experience planning and organizing large-scale events worldwide well in advance will greatly benefit our Global AppSecs.
Did you Register yet? 
Global AppSec DC September 9-13, 2019
submit to the Call for Papers and Call for Training
Check out Sponsorship Opportunities while they are still available.
Save the Date for Global AppSec Amsterdam Sept 23-27, 2019 
Sponsorship Opportunities are available


You may also be interested in one of our other affiliated events:


Event Date Location
Latam Tour 2019 Starting April 4, 2019 Latin America
OWASP Portland Training Day September 25, 2019 Portland, OR
OWASP Italy Day Udine 2019 September 27,2019 Udine, Italy
OWASP Portland Day October 16,2019 Wroclaw, Poland
LASCON X October 24-25,2019 Austin, TX
OWASP AppSec Day 2019 Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019 Melbourne, Australia

Event Date Location
Open Security Summit June 3-7,2019 Woburn Forest Center Parcs, Bedfordshire
Hack in Paris 2019 June 16-20, 2019 Paris
Cyber Security and Cloud Expo Europe June 19-20, 2019 Amsterdam
IoT Tech Expo Europe June 19-20, 2019 Amsterdam
BlackHat USA 2019 August 3-8,2019 Las Vegas, Nevada
DefCon 27 August 8-11,2019 Las Vegas, Nevada
it-sa-IT Security Expo and Congress October 8-10, 2019 Germany


We have had the following projects added to the OWASP inventory.  Please congratulate these leaders and check out the work they have done:

Project Type Leader(s)
Risk Assessment Framework Documentation Ade Yoseman Putra, Rejah Rehim
QRLJacker Tool Mohammed Baset
Container Security Verification Standard Documentation Sven Vetsch
Find Security Bugs Code Philippe Arteau
Vulnerable Web Application Code Fatih Çelik
D4N155 Tool Julio Pedro de Lira Neto
Jupiter Tool Matt Stanchek
Top 10 Card Game Documentation Dennis Johnson
Samurai WTF Code Kevin Johnson
DevSecOps Maturity Model Documentation Timo Pagel


Also, we will have the following projects presenting at the Project Showcase Global AppSec Tel Aviv:

Final Schedule
Wednesday, May 29th Thursday, May 30th
Time Project Presenter(s) Confirmed Time Project Presenter(s) Confirmed
10:​4​5 a.m. Glue Tool Omer Levi Hevroni Yes 10:​30 ​ a.m. API Security Erez Yalon, Inon Shkedy Yes
11:5​5​ a.m. IoT & Embedded AppSec Aaron Guzman Yes 11:​50​ a.m. Mod Security Core Rule Set Tin Zaw Yes
        12:​25 ​p.m. Automated Threats Tin Zaw Yes
12:​30 ​p.m. Lunch Break   12:​55​ p.m. Lunch Break  
2:​35​ p.m. SAMM John DiLeo Yes        
​3:10​ p.m. Application Security Curriculum John DiLeo Yes ​3:10 p.m. ​Damned Vulnerable Serveless Application​ ​Tal Melamed​ ​Yes​

Finally, if you are able to help participate in the Project Reviews at the Conference, please send me an email at harold.blankenship@owasp.com.  We have a large line-up of projects to review this time around:

Project To Level Leader(s)
Snakes and Ladders Flagship Katy Anton, Colin Watson
Cheat Sheet Series Flagship Dominique Righetto, Jim Manico
Mobile Security Testing Guide Flagship Jeroen Willemsen, Sven Schleier
Amass Lab Jeff Foley
Attack Surface Detector Lab Ken Prole
SecureTea Lab Ade Yoseman Putra, Bambang Rahmadi K.P, Rejah Rehim.A.A
Serverless Goat Lab Ory Segal

Google Summer of Code Update:
We were allocated 13 students this year!  The current timeline is as follows:
Google Season of Docs:
We were accepted into the Google Season of Docs.  There will be a single technical writer resource.  The current timeline is as follows:


New OWASP Chapters
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Guayaquil, Equador
Lome, Togo
Natal, Brazil
Nashua, New Hampshire
Gwalior, India
Louisville, Kentucky
Nainital, India
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Syracuse, New York


We would like to welcome the following Premier and Contributor Corporate Members.

Premier Corporate Members

Contributor Corporate Members
Join us
Our mailing address is:
OWASP Foundation 
1200-C Agora Drive, # 232
Bel Air, MD 21014  
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